Chapter 19

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I'm one step closer to actually becoming a mom, in just three short days my son will be here. This journey has been very emotional, there has been ups and downs but in the end things always work out.

Everyday I looked down at my belly and wonder just how I got so lucky. I love my son with all my heart and I couldn't ask for anything else. I went from being so scared, to being as excited as a kid in a candy shop. The ultrasounds, getting to see his little face and hear his heartbeat.. those are the moments I will cherish.

It's been over six months and I still haven't spoken to Chloe. She had her daughter two weeks ago and she's beautiful. Now that I'm close to entering motherhood I think it's time we put our differences aside. That's still my sister and I need to realize that regardless of what she says I still shouldn't cut her off.

I would feel so terrible if I ever lost my sister and we weren't talking. Its childish drama and it's time we moved on.

Kaydon rubbed my belly and placed kisses on it. All week he's been trying to get me to go into labor, we've tried  everything, a gym ball, eating spicy food, and sex which didn't work at all. He just has to wait, but he's so impatient.

"Son c'mon, I can't wait three days"

"Kay seriously. You can't wait three days. I can wait I need to talk to Chloe before he comes"

"Yeah you do, I've been wanting to tell you to speak to her. The silent treatment y'all giving each other is pointless"

"I know.. but I get tired of her comments. I know she really doesn't mean any harm but she was young once. Shit happens, what does she want me to say I regret my son? I refuse to let her words bring me down. She doesn't need to worry about what I'm doing, simple as that"

Kay sighed and sat up. "I know that and the both of you need to talk about it. Just let it go, life is too short. I finally talked to my mom and told her how I felt..  and nothing has changed. I know she loves me but a man is more important than me right now so I'm over it. She will look back and regret missing out on this point in our lives. She will have to realize that she missed out on having a relationship with you and our son. I've done all I can and now I'm moving on. I will always love and respect her but I don't have to like her doings"

'True, very true... she should be here any minute so let me go downstairs. I think your work is paying off, your son just might come tonight"

Kaydon got up and followed behind me saying he hopes today is the day.. not me. I got to the bottom of the steps and the doorbell rung. I had Kaydon get the door while I grabbed a snack.. I'm gonna need all the strength I can get to make it through this talk.

I guess I was really trying to avoid her even more. I stayed in the kitchen looking over the same yogurt for maybe five minutes. Kaydon came and pulled me out of the kitchen.. this is it.

Chloe sat on the couch holding Kazanii, I took her from Chloe and sat down. She was just so damn adorable, I love her.

"So should I start or you..?" Chloe asked.

"I'll start.. I want to put the drama past us. We're both mothers and sisters so this has to stop. I was the one who started the ignoring first and I'll admit that. But you tend to say stuff that you shouldn't. I'm close to nineteen.. what I'm doing isn't any of your concern. I understand you want the best for me and you don't want me to go down the path you did but it's done. My virginity is gone, I gave it up to the guy I love and that's that. I know what I want and what I'm doing so your comments on my choices aren't needed"

I know my choices weren't always the best.. maybe I should have waited to have sex. But that was my choice and no one can make that decision but me. I'm old enough to do my own thing, if I get hurt in the end let me... damn.

"I mean I understand where your coming from.. I've missed you. I don't think you get how bad it hurt when you stopped talking to me for so long. When I say certain things I don't  mean any harm. I just want better for you guys. I love my nephew already.. by the way Zack loves his name. But that's besides the point, I apologize for the things that I've said to hurt you or upset you because I didn't mean to. I'm ready to put this aside if you are.."

My son kind of has the same name as Chloe's fiance, who's name is Zack.. only. My son's name is Zachariah, Zach for short. But it was a coincidence.. Kaydon picked out that name when we were kids so it is what it is.

"I didn't talk to you but who was there holding your hand when you gave birth? I was, I would never be so cold and miss a day so special because of our petty drama. That alone should have told you I still had love for you, but It's done with.. we're moving on. I also apologize for ignoring you. I didn't realize how much my silence was hurting you."

I kissed the baby once more and gave her back to Chloe. I needed both hands to get up from this couch. Being this pregnant is a struggle.. my hands were swollen and my back was killing me.

"Did you have back labor at all?"

"Not really. When I went into labor I felt it in my back for a while but then it stopped. I felt more pressure and lower stomach pains.. why do you think your in labor?"

I shrugged my shoulders I don't know whether or not I am. I'm only looking for my water to break that's the only thing I know that means it's really time. I've had steady contractions but each time nothing happened.

"I'm not sure but Kaydon has been trying to get me to go into labor and my back has been hurting really bad. It goes from my lower back around to my side, I don't know if it's actually labor pains though"

"It wouldn't hurt to go to the hospital, I never had that. Monitor it and if it doesn't stop go in. The only thing they'll do is send you back home if your not in labor"

I took her advice and said goodbye, I headed upstairs to go to bed. This has been a long but boring day. I just got out of bed and now I'm getting back in.

Apart of me feels so much better knowing we put our differences aside. I do love Chloe but I want her to see that her mouth is her downfall. I will stop talking to anyone with out hesitation. It doesn't mean I don't care or I don't love them anymore.. I just rather not deal with the drama that comes with their presence.

I tend to think back to when Kaydon and I fell out.. if it hadn't of been for me finding out I was pregnant, I most likely would have completely stopped talking to him. He hurt me with his words and I would have held onto that for a long time. But I'm glad that we worked through those issues and got to this point, I'm happy. Through the tears, heartache and drama we made it.



Three am to be exact and Kaydon got his wish, baby Z was definitely on his way...

The next chapter will be the epilogue..

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