Chapter 11

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This past week has been a damn mess, Bella has been staying with me my grandma. I'm so ready to finally go home and face the shit that's coming. More importantly I wanna bust Damien in his face, but I can't I have to think about my baby.

I'm not sure how Rico is gonna take the news that Damien put his hands on Bella. There's no hiding it, he's gonna end up seeing her somehow. Then there's the situation with Kaydon, he called me the morning after he hung up on me.

He said that he was just upset that I'd hide my pregnancy from him. I won't continuously admit why I hid it, I simply wasn't ready to tell anyone. I know for a fact my mom's gonna be hurt that I told my grandmother first. Well I didn't tell her she automatically knew.

But other than that I'm great, I've been to the doctor. Bella came with me it was cool seeing the baby on the screen. I'm close to 12 weeks pregnant now,  I picked up my ultrasound picture just looking at the tiny little fetus. I'm still very scared about this whole thing but Kaydon kept reassuring me that everything would be fine.

"Still scared huh?"

I jumped hearing my grandmother's voice. Looking up I noticed her standing in the door way, wiping her hands on her apron. She was baking white chocolate macadamia nut cookies for me to take back home.


"It will be just fine, once that baby comes out and you look at that little face.. you'll just know what to do. I'm not saying you won't need help occasionally but it will come to you naturally. You are a your mother's child and my grandchild. We raised the hell out of our babies, now your mom isn't my biological child but she's your father's wife. My daughter in law is an amazing mother, you and Chloe will be just as great as your mom and I. There's nothing to worry about. You have me even though I'm all the way up here, I'm only a phone call away.  You have the child's father, your parents, your sisters and Bella. Stop worrying so much, you laid down to make that baby now get up and raise it"

"I know but I still get scared thinking about actually having a child, I love you grandma"

"I love you too baby, your parents already know. I told your dad he better not start stressing and acting a fool. He already ended up in the hospital the last time. I won't hesitate to get on the train and whip his ass. I don't care how old he is he's still my child, your cookies are in the platter. I'm going to sleep.. finish packing"

I sat the picture down and finished putting the last few things in my bag. Over the past weeks I've been here.. I went a little over board. New York will have you broke, especially if you go on 34th street to the Steve Madden store. I literally fell in love with almost of the shoes in there.

Once I finished packing up the rest of my things I went to see where Bella was. I found her in the other room finishing up her packing. I sat down on the bed, waiting for her to look up.



Everything has been so crazy, I showed up in New York to see Gabby and apparently It's not only her.  She's pregnant. I can't believe she's pregnant, I'm beyond pressed.

I get to be the Aunty and God mommy! I was mad as hell when she told me Kaydon hung up the video chat on her. Like nigga it takes two, to tango. Shit, fuck that I know Kay and I know he's gonna take care of his responsibility.

I'm  mad as hell at Damien's ass. To be honest I'm still in shock that the Muthafucka had the balls to put his hands on me. I still have scrapes and bruises on my arms and Legs. You could faintly see his hand prints around my neck, not to mention the swelling on my face that's still going down.

Damien had been calling me, the first two days that he called I ignored his ass but after the third day I got tired of sending his ass to voicemail, so I answered. I wanted to know what he could possibly say to me that's gonna take away the fact that he beat me like I was a man.

Shit nothing could be said and I refuse to sit back and let a muthafucka put his hands on me. The only thing he kept saying was "I'm sorry babe, I was drunk, I don't know what happened" and my reply was "nigga you beat my ass, pack my shit because I'll be there to get it" and I hung up the phone on his ass.

I was in the guest room getting all of my bags together. I had went shopping with Gabby because I didn't bring anything with me, I had to get the fuck out of there. A little retail therapy didn't won't anybody. Who doesn't like to go shopping in New York?

Anyways, I was packing when Gabby walked in a plopped on the bed. She had a smug grin on her face like she was up to something.

"Wassup Gabby, What you planning to Do?"

"Oh nothing... umm"

"What now Gabby? Spit it out"

"Umm see what had happen was.. Kaydon's on his way to drive me back home"

I looked at her like she was stupid. I had my car. I know she wasn't gonna make me drive all the way back home alone.

"I have my car Gabby, he doesn't need to come"

"I told him that but he said that we needed to talk before I faced everyone and I agreed. You won't be driving back home alone"

They definitely needed to talk but what the hell. What did she mean I wouldn't be alone. Maybe Grams is  coming back with us. Lord knows when we get back Gabby is gonna need all the support and guidance in the world when she tells her parents about my little bundle of joy. I know, I am beyond happy, I swear it's like it's like I'm the the one having the baby.

Gabby was apprehensive about everything that was going on and how her parents were going to take the whole pregnancy news. But without a doubt I had her Back. I was thinking that me and Gabby could move in with each other. Now that she's having a baby, I think I'll mention it to her.

I don't know though, I think she needs to take care of this situation before moving on to another one. Regardless of what ever happens, just know Gabby and I will always have a best friends love.

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