Chapter 2

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As I stood on my front porch I took a deep breath before walking inside. Surprisingly, it wasn't full of my sister's and their weed head ass friends. As I was walking back to my room I decided to peek in my mom and dads room. They weren't in there so I kept walking towards my room.

Once I went inside I made sure I shut and locked my door. Sitting on the bed I began wondering why my parents had chosen drugs, and why my sister decided to follow in their footsteps. She seen first hand what it had done to them. It may be a little weed now, but that's how it starts off.

I remember the pact we made when we were younger. We promised each other that we would always be there for one another and never do drugs. I kept my half of the bargain, she didn't. I snapped out of my daze, hearing the loud banging on the door.

"Who is it?" I yelled as I walked towards the door.

"Its me BellyBel"

The voice belonged to my little brother Lewis, besides he's the only person who calls me BellyBel. I began wondering what he was doing here. He has lived with my aunt since he was born, I would always wonder how they could give him a better life and not me and my sister's.

Opening the door I greeted him. "Hey kiddo, what are you doing here?"

"I'm spending the weekend with you guys"

"Oh, so auntie Kate is letting you stay?"

"Yeah, it took a little convincing though"

"Yeah I bet, how did you get here? No one is home but me"

"Mom and dad picked me up"

I rolled my eyes just hearing my brother mention them. I got off the bed, going to the kitchen to get  something to drink. I went into the  living room, walking right past my parents.

"Well hello to you too" said my mom Angie, I kept going completely ignoring her.

"I know your little grown ass heard me!"

"I heard you, I just chose to ignore you"

I have a little bit of respect for my mom because of her choices and decisions it effected how she raised her kids. Showed me that she never really cared.

"Keep taking like you've lost your damn mind, you little bitch"

I glared at her with pity and disgust before replying.

"I hate you, your the reason why my life is so fucked up"

And out of nowhere, here comes my dad.

"Hey.. hey.. hey, show some respect! That is still your mother your talking to"

I looked at him not saying a word giving my mom the green light to speak.

"Naw, that's alright let the little ungrateful brat say another disrespectful thing in my house, she's gonna wish she hadn't"

"Angie! That is your daughter, she needs to respect you and you need to respect her"

I wonder how he became the more sensible parent. The way I look at it, he still chose drugs over his family and kids just like she did. Shaking my head I started to walk out of the house but my little brother's voice stopped me.

"Where are you going Bel? I came to spend the weekend with you?"

I looked up to prevent my tears from falling.

"I'm just going for a walk kiddo"

"I'll go with you, we can get ice cream"

"Sure, grab your jacket"

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