Chapter 14

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I'm 22 weeks pregnant as of today and honestly I couldn't be happier. Since Kaydon and I decided to make things official, we've been spending a lot of time together. A few days ago we found out that we're having a little boy, I think Kaydon was excited the most. Zachariah will be here in just a few more months, our sons name was chosen by Kay.

He would always tell me if he had a son that, he'd want his name to be Zachariah. So there you have it, today is the first day that I'm actually going to shop for the baby. I stood up and glanced at my belly, it has grown a lot.. I look 7 months when I'm only 5. I guess he's gonna be a big baby, I just hope he doesn't take after his dad and come out weighing 9lbs.. no way, I'm not sure I'd make it.

In just a few days Bella and I will be moving in together. It took a while but we finally found a place big enough. I've been really thinking about suggesting that Rico and Kaydon move in with us too. Kay will already be there a lot once I give birth so I don't see why not. Along with Rico, him and Bella are so cute it's sickening.

My mom and dad pushed me to move out. They think it will be great to be on my own and really see what It's gonna be like living outside of their house. I made my way over to my bed where Kaydon was laid across the bed sleeping. He looked so peaceful, I swear I fall deeper in love with him every day.. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

"Elle.. stop staring at me"

"No, your just so amazing"

"You are too, come lay down with me"

"No we have to go shopping for your big headed son"

"He's my son because he got a big head, haha.. funny. We can go tomorrow"

"You promised we could go today.."

"I'm in pain today.. sorry Elle"

I sighed and took off my shoes and got into the bed. He's lucky I love him, wrapping his arms around me he pulled me close.

"What did you wanna buy?"

"Nothing in particular, just wanted to look around.. I think it's too, soon to get most of the things we need"

"Ok, I promise were gonna go tomorrow"

I nodded and lightly pressed my stomach, the baby was having a party in there. Kay chuckled while laying his head on my lap, pressing his ear to my stomach, rubbing it.

"Hey son"

That only made him kick me harder, this child has some very strong kicks that often hurt. I stopped Kay and got up, mommy ain't built for that today.

"He's kicking way too hard for me today, it hurts"

"Its just a reminder that he's ok in there, damn.."


"I gotta go meet up with Rico, after that we can go shopping"

He got up and headed to the bathroom to shower. I slipped my shoes back on and went down the hall to Brook's room. I knocked on the door before going in, she was sitting in the middle of the bed on her computer.

"What's up?"

"Nothing, I'm waiting for Kaydon. What are you doing?"

"Buying stuff for Zachariah and Kazanii, I found the cutest tutu for Zanii and these cute little shorts for Zach"

"Aww, auntie is shopping for her little babies"

"Yea... so speaking of my babies, when are you gonna speak to Chloe. I don't think she meant any harm in what she said.. she misses you"

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