Chapter 1

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I screamed "Leave me alone!" as my worst enemy Michelle and her followers stood in front of me.

"Make us you pig"

They made it a habit to pick on me everyday. All because I was bigger than them. Its only day 2 of the second grade. And I just knew this year would be better than last year, but I was wrong.

"Leave me alone Michelle" It came out barely above a whisper, while my tears threatened to fall.

"And what are you going to do if I don't?"

I looked down feeling defeated and defenseless.

"Leave her alone!"

Lifting my head, my vision was becoming blurry from the tears that had fallen. There was a short light skin girl with her hair styled in two big puff balls.

"And what are you going to do?" Michelle's minion Amber decided to speak.

"Nothing" I spoke up, hoping to keep the situation from escalating.

"Just what I thought"

And with that said Michelle pushed the short girl, causing Amber to jump in pulling the girls hair. Snapping out of my gaze, I rushed to get Amber off the girl who was kind enough to help me. Someone pulled me off of her, carrying me into the building.



I sat on the swing, kicking the dirt later this week my dad has to go in for heart surgery. I'm worried because I'm not sure exactly what to expect.

A boy sat down on the swing next to me, he kept glancing at me while nervously playing with his fingers.

"Hi, why are you sitting alone?"

"I don't really have friends.. but I'm just thinking"

"Well we can be friends"


He told me that he could swing higher than me. We laughed while we tried to swing as high as we could. I stopped swinging hearing the mean nasty girls, Michelle and her crew picking on the short brown skin quiet girl.

I watched as they said rude things to her, I waited to see if she would defend herself. My mom always told me never show fear or weakness, and if someone even looks like they are going to put their hands on you, you better defend yourself.

I got off my swing approaching the girls ready to fight. Just as I got closer I shouted for them to leave her alone causing Michelle to push me. Soon followed by Amber pulling my hair, next thing I know we were all fighting one another.

Someone pulled me and the girl off of Michelle's crew, carrying us into the building. We sat on the steps trying to calm ourselves.

"My name is Gabrielle, what's your name?"

"Bella, but you can call me Bel"

And from that day on, Bella and I became the best of friends.

Flashback over

*Present day*


"Earth to Bella!"

Gabby snapped her fingers in my face, bringing me back to reality.

"Get your hands out of my face"

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