Chapter 4

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As I sat in the back seat with Gabby I could tell she was upset, trying not to go off on Kaydon. I leaned over and whispered "its going to be fine, enjoy yourself tonight and tomorrow you can fuck his life up"

She smiled before replying "your right, I might as well savor this moment.. tomorrow he will feel the wrath of a woman scorned"

I smiled back, thinking 'oh he done fucked up now, bringing out the split personality in this chick'. I Turned my attention back to Rico, noticing we had just pulled up to the movies.

I grabbed my bag and stepped out of the car waiting for Gabby to walk around to my side, so we could go in together. We stood off to the side waiting for Kaydon and Rico to get our tickets. Scanning the area I noticed Michelle and her crew being ratchet as usual.

I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath before telling Gabby I had seen them.

"Duck face and the ugly ducklings are here"

Gabby looked around for a moment until it registered who I was talking about.


I nodded my head in the direction of where they were, spotting the girl from the mall.. she was with them.

"That's the bitch that was talking shit at my job"

"The chick with the fucked up red and yellow weave?"

I nodded my head.

"yeah that's the one, I plan on having a good time and these yamps better not fuck up my night"

"They don't want it, the way I'm feeling tonight I want a bitch to start some shit. She's gonna get fucked up too"

I shook my head laughing as the guys walked up.

"What's so funny?"

I looked out the corner of my eye, noticing the annoyed look on Gabby's face as she rolled her eyes.

"Oh nothing"

"Alright y'all ready?" Rico asked.


We walked off, letting the guys go in front of us.

"In less than 24 hours you can fuck him up, just act like you can stand the sight of him. Do it for me at least"

"Ok, for you"

I smiled, grabbing her hand, I looked  up and there was Ms. Ratchetness and the 3 ducks close behind.

"Bitch you just don't listen do you?"

I looked behind me, making sure she was talking to me.

"That's the second time you called me out my name, I'm not at work anymore. I dare you to do it again!"

"Bitch wha-"

I cut her off, repeatedly punching her in the face as she grabbed my hair.

"I'm gonna fuck you up, I warned you about Rico didn't I?"

"Bitch fuck you and Rico"

I felt someone grab me before I could do any real damage. I don't like violence but growing up in the hood, you had to have tough skin and know how to fight.

I witnessed my daddy beating my mama, but she would always beat my daddy even worse. Getting out of the grip that Rico had on me, I charged at Ms Ratchetness again. But Rico grabbed my wrist "it's not worth it"

I thought about what he said, this bitch is getting what she wants out of me, seeing me act like a damn fool. I fell right into her trap.


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