Chapter 6

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Its been about a month since everything with Rico went down. I've been avoiding him, every time he tries to get my attention I go the other way. I don't need him or his drama, not to mention the fact that he called me a fat bitch. Yes I'm on the chunky side but I already know that, I don't need a third wanna be gangsta to tell me that.

I was at home with my Rozlyn, laying on her bed while she talked to her boyfriend Tay. He was currently doing time in federal prison for drug possession, tampering with evidence and recently escaping from a federal court house.

I had to give it to my sister she was holding him down, with all the time he was facing. "I love you brother-in-law" I yelled to Tay, my sister Roz hates when I do that. She pointed towards the door telling me to get out. I left the room, I decided to walk down the street to the store for some berry skittles.

As I walked down the street I seen the usual dope boys, the druggies walking up and down the street trying to find their next high.

"Yo Bella come here girl"

I looked across the street noticing Damien waving his hand for me to come to him. Damien was someone who looked out for me and my sister's, he would always flirt with me but I wasn't interested in him like that. He was just cool to hang around kind of like an older cousin.

Walking over to him I smile while wrapping my arms around his waist, he hugged back slightly picking me up. I swatted his hands away and said "put my heavy ass down" he put me down before replying.

"Shawdy you ain't as heavy as you think you are, plus you know I like em thick"

I just shook my head as I walked up to the group of guys he was with. I noticed Rico was amongst them, trying to avoid him I pulled Damien's shirt signaling him to stop.

"What's wrong Belbear?"

He called me by the nickname he had given me when I first met him, I turned my head towards Rico.

"I need to get to the store, and I'm kind of avoiding that guy over there"


I shook my head and looked away.

"Oh, so you not gonna tell me? You should know better than that Bel, I find out every thing I want to know"

He stared at me for a while before taking my hand literally pulling me towards the crowd.

"Stop it Damien"

I quickly panicked inside, thinking what the hell is he doing. I stopped at the back of the crowd while he kept walking.

"Come on Bel, I got you ain't nobody gonna mess with you, you my girl"

I looked at him wide eyed, he just smirked.

"That's you son?"

I looked to where the voice came from it was Rico.

"Yeah that's all me right there, ain't that right baby?"

I didn't say anything I just stood there in shock.

"Is that true?"

Rico looked at me with raise eyebrows, I stood there not sure what to do as the group of guys waited for my answer. I looked from Damien to Rico. I did the only thing I thought to do which was turn to my sister Alayna's boyfriend Mack.

I started a conversation with Mack, hoping Rico would just walk away. But after 5 minutes of talking I realized he wasn't gonna go away without an answer. I turned my attention back to Damien who as talking to some big dude.

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