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When I wake up the next morning it is still dark outside and I can hear the front door open and close then a car starts so I know my dad just left for work. I look at the time on my phone and it writes 5:30 am so I decide to get up and get ready for school. If you ask me, the weekend went by too fast. I turn on my light in my closet and get my clothes out for the day. I get some dark wash jeans and a dark purple long sleeve shirt. I lay them on the bed followed by my shoes and then grab my towel and head into the bathroom. I start the shower and look at the cuts on my arm. The bleeding has stopped by now except for one that is still bleeding a little bit and there is dry blood around it. The cuts are kind of deep though so I have to be very careful not to open them.

I get in the shower, wet my arm carefully and watch the blood go down the drain. After I wash my hair and my body, being careful with my arm, I turn off the water and wrap a towel around my body. I look under the sink and grab a wrap for my arm to cover the one still bleeding. I finish wrapping my cut, head back in my room and look at my phone -5:50 am. I get dressed and put my hair in a fishtail braid on the left side. I put makeup on to hide the bruise my dad left me last time he hit me. Thank god the bruises are going away and is way easier to hide them now. I leave the rest of my make-up light and when I am done, it is already 6:15 am so I grabbed my bag, make sure I have paper, a pen, and my classes and leave my room.

I go downstairs and make a fast breakfast. When I am done it is 6:30 am so I grab an apple, walk out the door and start walking towards my new school which is not that far from where I live now. I take my phone out and call Amber. Clicking call I put the phone on my ear and listen to the beeping sounds as the phone connects with Amber's. I start eating my apple while waiting. Three rings later Amber picks up the phone.

"Hey, good morning love," Amber's cheerful voice comes through the phone.

"Good morning," I say back with a smile on my face.

"What are you doing right now," she asks me.

"Well, love, I'm walking to school eating an apple. What about you," I ask her back.

"Awe, babe, you should get a car so you don't have to walk and I just got to school. I'm sitting in class waiting for the bell to ring and man let me tell you the day hasn't started yet and I'm already sad without you and bored as fuck," she says with a sigh at the end.

"Awe, babe, I miss you too and I miss being picked up by you every morning but the school is not far at all from my house", I explain to her, "How am I going to get through this Amber? I don't think I can do it," I say a bit panicky.

"Nike, breathe. You will do fine and if you don't, I swear I'll drive all the way over there and spend the day with you. I'll ditch school if I have to," I calm down from her words and start kicking a few rocks, that are on the pavement, as I continue walking.

"Okay, well I got to go. I'm almost to the school and I have to find my locker and class, but I'll call you at lunch and I love you," I say and I hear the bell ring over the phone for Amber.

"Yeah, the bell just went and YES! You better call me at lunch and I love you too, Nike," she says and hangs up.

I guess talking to Amber did help me get to school. When I arrive at school I stand outside for a moment and just look around. The school is not that big. It's a nice school, I guess. I just hope I blend in and not stand out, but being the new kid in the middle of the school year doesn't help at all. I take a big breath and start walking through the parking lot to the front doors. I can see the jocks and the cheerleaders hanging out by the side of the school and then other people hanging around with their friends. I get to the doors in one piece, but people are looking at me which makes me feel really weird. Once I get inside I pull out my locker number -B13 and I'm on the A section, great. I have no idea which way to go so I just pick right and start walking when I hear someone behind me ask me something so I turn around.

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