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I pull into the driveway of the house were my sister and father used to live. I reach into my carry-on bag and look around for my handgun. Once I find it, I pull it out and cock it just in case he is in the house and I want to be ready. I step out of the car and walk towards the house. I look around the outside and the windows but I don't see any signs of anyone in the house or around it.

I slowly make my way to the door, I stand on one side of the door pointing my gun down while I put one hand on the door and I slowly turn the nob. The door opens and I slowly walk in the house with my gun pointing straight in front of me. I check behind the door and everywhere in the living room and then walk into the kitchen checking if anyone is in there but everything seems clear. I finish checking down stairs and then I go up the stairs. After checking every room, I go back to my sister's room and find all her suitcases and boxes. I start putting all her clothes into her suitcases and after that I put all her things she has already took out in the boxes nicely and then there is a knock at the door downstairs.

"Lieutenant are you in here", I hear Mac yell from downstairs.

"Yes, I'm upstairs", I yell back.

I hear feet coming up the stairs and then see Mac and Erick at the door. They give me a nod and look around the room.

"Did you get the bathroom yet", Erick asks me and I shake my head no.

"Alright, I'll do it", he says grabbing a box and heading towards the bathroom.

"What the fuck", we hear Erick hiss. I drop the things that are in my hands on the bed and Mac and I race to the bathroom to look at what Eric is looking at.

There is something written on the mirror with black bold letters.

I told you not to tell anyone but you didn't listen. Now you will pay with your life


I feel my blood boil in my veins. I pull out my phone and call the other boys. Mark picks up on the second ring.


"Mark you and Jose get to the hospital and stand guard in my sister's room. No one gets in or out but the same nurse, doctor and her friends. Also check everything they give her. I'll text you the details", I say leaving no room to argue with me.

"Yes, Sir", he says and I hang up and turn to the boys.

"If it's war he wants then its war he will get. Let's finish up here and then go set everything up at the new house", they nod in agreement and get back to work.

We work fast getting everything that might mean something to her and then we leave to go to the new house where everything is ready and already set up.


I woke up about an hour ago and now we are all talking and playing around. I am starting to feel safe with the boys around me. I found out that they are really funny and watching them hit each other makes me laugh. I find myself smiling more than I have ever done before. A knock on the door brings us out of a laughing fit. The door opens and my eyes almost pop out of my head. Two very big guys come walking in and they have guns strapped to their legs and they look like they mean business with serious faces.

"Niykee, we are friends of your brother Derek. He sent us here to guard you and your friends", one of them says to me while the other one is checking the room out.

"Okay, but why would I need this type of guarding", I ask confused pointing to his gun.

"As of right know your life is in danger. I'm sorry to say this to you but you will not be going anywhere alone until we get your father. Until then you are not to leave this room without one of us with you", he says and all of our mouths are hanging open but he continues, "Niykee, your father is out for you but listen when I say this; he will not get close enough to lay a hand on you. We aren't Delta for nothing! Just listen to what we tell you and you should be fine", he says and I nod slowly.

"I'm Mark and that's Jose by the way", Mark says and Jose stops to nod at us then walks to stand by Mark.

"She looks a lot like Lieutenant", Jose says and Mark shakes his head at him.

"She's his sister", Mark says in a duh tone still shaking his head.

"So what about them", I ask and point at all my friends, "what if my dad comes after them as well", I ask and Mark nods.

"We called our CO and told him the problem so he is pulling some strings. He knows some people who are retired and are willing to come here to help us", Mark informs me, "to watch over them even at school times just in case. As of right now we have been given the all clear to execute him on spot if needed", Mark says the last part as nicely as he can.

My jaw drops up. I can't believe that my brother is doing all this for me. I never knew someone other than Amber that could care this much. I feel tears form in my eyes and Mark notices that and his eyes go wide.

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings by telling you about what's going to happen. Maybe I said to much", he rushes out and I shake my head at him.

"Nice going dumbass", I hear Jose tell him and Mark glares at him.

"No, it's not that. It's just-", I start and take a big breath, "I'm not used to people caring so much about me other than Amber", I finally get out and Mark relaxes and gives me a smile.

"You're family now and we look after family no matter the cause", he says smiling and I give a small smile in return.

I think things are starting to get better. Maybe I can start being my old self and maybe I'll start dancing again because I really miss it and Amber wouldn't worry so much about me. I smile to myself, I haven't smiled, a real smile, in a long time and it feels good to do it.

"What are you smiling about", Amber asks me and everyone looks at me.

"I think I'm going to start dancing again", I say to her and she smiles really big.

"Oh my god, you should! I miss watching you", she says hugging me and I nod.

"I miss it too. Maybe we can work on a dance routine together", I say and her face lights up like a Christmas tree.

She smiles and nods at me, "I would love to do that".

I smile back and start to think of a good dance routine.

I look around in the room and my eyes land on Dominic. He is already looking at me and he has a small smile and when I smile back at him, his smile grows bigger. His eyes have a glint in them like he's happy to see me smile like this. I relax more into the bed and just watch everyone. I really do think things are starting to look up for me and I'm starting to feel happy once more but I won't be able to rest right until my dad is locked away where he can never get to me ever again.

Maybe after he is locked away behind bars I can ask him why he did this because with what Amber is telling me it's not my fault that my dad turned out this way. Derek didn't even get along with him so maybe, just maybe, this isn't really my fault but then I remember something making my eyebrows come together in confusion; did I really have a dream about my mom? Was she telling me to live another day? How do you explain something you don't understand yourself?

I shake my head while feeling a warmth fill my heart. I really believe that my mom came to me while I was passed out and that she had a message to tell me and it was to keep on fighting. I realize that I have to keep fighting, keep fighting for her, I owe her that much and she wouldn't want me to end my life because of him.

I need to stand up and fight and I'm starting today. I know that with time I can and will get better.

Can anyone say new start?    


 Awe she's starting to feel happy again, hopefully, things do get better. do you think Dom and her are starting to build a relationship? let me know what you think...till next time

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