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"Your m-my brother", I stutter my words and he looks back at me with a sad smile.

"I guess mom and dad didn't tell you about me huh", he asks me while walking more into the hospital room and I shake my head no for an answer.

The officer nods his head, "Okay, well we will still send CPS in to talk to you guys", the officer says.

"No, that's alright. I already talked to them", my brother says and the policemen nod.

"Okay, then we will be in touch with you for any new information that we may have about your father", they say and leave the room.

My brother walks to the side of the bed looking a little nervous.

"Well, since they didn't tell you about me I'll introduce myself. My name is Derek Heaton and I am thirty-four years old", he says while sitting next to me and giving me a small smile, "I'm in the US Army which is why I'm dressed like this", he points to his clothes.

I nod taking in what he just told me.

"My name is Niykee Heaton, I'm seventeen years old and I'm still in high school", I tell him watching him closely.

We look at each other not saying anything for a few minutes, just taking each other in. He looks like my dad and has my mom's eyes, my eyes. He's just a bit tanner than me.

My eyebrows come together in confusion, "Why didn't anyone tell me about you", I ask and my eyes water.

He looks hurt at my question, "I don't know kiddo, but I knew about you when I decided and finally joined the army. I was 18 and mom was pregnant with you when I left. I sent you gifts every year on your birthday and Christmas, but I guess no one gave them to you", he says with his eyes watering as well.

"But why", is all I am able to get out between sobs. He gets up and moves to my side of the bed and lays down with me. I put my head on his chest and continued crying.

I really need to stop all this crying, it's too much!

"I think it was because I didn't tell mom or dad that I joined the army until the day I was going to be shipped out to basic and they were so pissed. They stopped talking to me and I guess the family knew not to bring me up either", he explains while rubbing small circles at my back to soothe me.

"Aunt Maggie called me and told me about mom when she died. I came to the funeral but stayed in the background. I wanted to go up to you so bad but dad was there so I couldn't. Then I get this call from aunt Maggie a few days ago telling me what our dad has been doing to you all these years and god I felt so ashamed. I should have come home whenever I could. Maybe then I could have stopped this before it happened", he further explains holding me closer and tighter in his arms.

I pull away looking at him, "It's not your fault", I tell him sternly, "You couldn't have known dad would fall this low and hit me", I continue and then hug him tighter.

The door opens and Amber walks in, "Nike, you won't guess what happened at Starbucks. I was about to go caveman on this man-", she stops talking when she sees me and Derek and raises an eyebrow at me.

Derek gets up and smiles down at me, "Amber, this is my brother Derek", I gesture to Derek, "Derek, this is my best friend Amber," I gesture to Amber.

She smiles and nods rolling her eyes, "Yeah, I know. I met him earlier today", she tells me walking more into the room.

"I'm glad to see you are back to your old self again, love", I say giggling at her.

"Babe, please, I've been my old self the minute you woke up", she explains while laughing with me.

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