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"Oh my god", I yell as some guy hits Dom's chin but he recovers fast and hits the other guy in the gut.

Turning to Jace I hit his arm, "That's for letting him do this", I say while pointing a finger at him, "and I'm going to hit you every time he gets hit", I warn him.

I turn back just in time to see Dom do a hip toss and they land on the ground with Dom on top. My leg is bouncing up and down at how nervous I am for him even though he doesn't look like he needs any help. I hate this. Dom didn't tell me he had a fight until the last minute this weekend so me being his girlfriend I have to come to support him. Back to the fight, I watch as they both get back up and each are throwing hits and kicks to each other. I really hope Dom wins and I have to say he looks really sexy when he is sweating like that. The way his muscles move when he blocks or goes for a hit. I am glad he is mine because I can hold him and feel his muscles too.

"You're drooling", Amber sings out.

"Well, I can't help it. He is so damn sexy", I gush then we both start laughing, "and you know damn well that if it was Nick you would be drooling too", I point out and she blushes while I laugh.

The bell goes off signaling round three is over. They go back to their corners and Dom looks over at me smiling. I smile back mouthing 'I love you' and his smile grows bigger. He puts his hand over his heart and I smile knowing that, that is his way of telling me he loves me too. I watch as they check him over and he's coach is telling him what to do.

The fourth round is about to start. Dom gives me one last look and then goes to the center of the cage and the fight starts again I watch as they battle and I feel my blood pumping through my veins. I shout, "Come on, baby, you can do it", as loud as I can.

I see Jace stand up too and yell, "Come on, man. Don't let your girl see you lose! Give him a right hook", I laugh at him but don't look away from Dom.

I see him take Jace's advice and he throws a right hook. It connects with the guy's temple and he sways a little. Dom notices and gets him on the floor and rushes for an arm bar submission technique. I hear a snap and the other guy taps out signaling the end of the fight.

The whole stadium is going crazy and I am jumping up and down feeling happy that he won. I don't like the fact that he broke the other guys arm but I guess that's what happens in these fights.

Once they fix the other guys arm, they go in the middle and announce the winner. They raise Dom's arm and once again the crowd goes crazy. Just as they drop Dom's hand I take off running and climb in the cage. Dom sees me and opens his arms and I jump in them.

He is really sweaty but I don't care. I pull away and kiss him blocking out everything and everyone out. I pull away, "You look sexy when you fight, babe", I say winking at him.

He smirks, "Oh, is that so", he asks leaning down and kissing me one more time.

"Yes, but you still need to shower and all", I say making a disgusted face.

He makes a shocked face, "But I thought you said this is sexy", he asks hurt.

I shake my head, "No, I said you look sexy. I didn't say you smell sexy", I explain.

He sighs, "Fine...fine, I'll go shower. Go wait with the boys and Amber", he bents down and kisses me fully on the mouth and I gladly return it.

I pull away, "I love you, babe", I say and start walking away.

"I love you too", he yells when I reach Amber and the boys.

"You guys look cute standing in the middle of the cage", Amber says winking at me and I blush chuckling.

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