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I wake up wrapped between two strong arms. The warmth that envelops me makes me smile to myself. I feel Dom move and I lift my head from his warm chest to look at him. He is already looking at me. I smile up at him and he returns the smile with a bigger one. He pulls me closer to him leaning his head down.

"Good morning, babe", he says kissing my forehead. Butterflies erupt in my stomach from the pet name.

"Hmm, morning", I say savoring the moment.

"Are you hungry", I ask him after a while of just laying in the bed wrapped in each other.

"Yeah, a little bit", he says and then looks at me, "what about you?"

"Yeah, a little as well", I reply getting up from his chest and looking down at him.

He gets up from the bed with a smile and starts walking towards the door. I panic!

"Dom, wait! Let me make sure my brother's still asleep before you come out", I say jumping out of the bed and pushing him to sit down.

He sighs, "Okay"

I smile down at him and go to move but he grabs my waist. I look at him confused. He ignores my confused expression while his hands make their way behind my neck and into my hair. He pulls me closer to him making me stand between his legs and then his lips meet mine. I kiss him back moving my hands behind his neck and tugging lightly at his hair. It feels so right to be in his arms kissing him and I don't want this to stop. When I find the strength I, finally, pull away. I look at his swollen lips from our kissing and start blushing making him chuckle.

"What's so funny", I ask looking in his eyes.

"You're so cute when you're blushing", when he says that I blush even more. He pecks my lips and I pull away. I walk towards the door pouting while he is still laughing. His beautiful laugh makes a smile appear on my face.

I open the door slowly. I close the door behind me taking a big breath in. I walk down the hallway towards the stairs. I look at the rooms downstairs and it looks really quite. I slowly walk down the stairs and when I get to the bottom I look around. I go in the living room but no one is there so I decide to check the kitchen. I step into the kitchen but find no one again. I shrug and continue my search. I walk down the hallway to my brother's office only to find that room empty too. I guess everyone is still sleeping. I go up the stairs but when I am halfway up someone from behind me starts talking making me jump from fear.

"You know, Derek would blow his top off if he knew that Dominic stayed the night here", Mac says smirking at me.

"Don't scare me like that! I thought you were going to hurt me or something", I say putting my hand over my heart.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you", he gives me a smile and I return it.

"Please, don't tell Derek that he stayed the night", I ask him looking down at the floor a little embarrassed that he knows.

"I won't, but don't let it happen again. This team is my family and you're Derek's sister so that makes you family too. I don't like the fact that he was in your room all night", he says and I nod.

"Thank you and it won't happen again", I reassure him. He nods showing me that he understands. He walks up the stairs towards me. He stops in front of me, kisses the top of my head and then continues up the stairs.

Dom comes down the stairs a few minutes later with a sheepish smile.

"Busted", he whispers and I blush. He heard the conversation between Mac and I. "As much as I love seeing you in my shirt, I need it back. I don't want your brother to see you in my shirt and figure out that I stayed the night here", he says winking at me. I push him up the stairs in my room and grab some clothes to change. I change and give him back his shirt. When we are both dressed appropriately we head downstairs together.

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