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Light shining into the room from my window is what makes me wake up. When I try to move I feel like my skin is cracking. I lift my head and look at my body, dry blood surrounds my body. Streaks of bloods are dried down my legs. I am no longer wearing my shorts reminding me of last night's events. I am so weak, I can't move to even cover myself. Blood runs down my head letting me know that my head is busted open without any treatment being done to it. I am scared that I'll just die here on the floor. I want the pain to stop, to go away.

When I try to move the pain is just too much and the memories of last night slowly come back to me. A lone tear runs down my cheek, stinging as it goes down. I can't believe that I was raped last night.

"I was rapped," I yell in my mind as uncontrollable sobs leave my body.

I feel tears pouring down my face and I can't stop them. I lay on the floor naked crying and crying. The light gets brighter outside, but it is still early in the morning. Somewhere in the distance I can hear my phone ringing but I can't get up to answer it. I don't know what to do and I know for a fact that I can't go to school like this; people will ask too many questions.

I don't know how long I've laid on the floor in pain in a pool of my own blood. My ribs have to be broken because every time I move excruciating pain emits from there. I still remember the sound of cracking when my father kicked me over there last night. I hate to say this but I think I need to go to the hospital but if I go they will ask questions so I opt for my second option. I start moving, but the pain is so bad, making me rethink my decision. I take a big breath in, let it out and make myself crawl towards my bed.

I use my nightstand to get up and sit on the bed. I grab my blanket and wrap it around myself. I go to stand, but my side and my legs hurt so badly. I lift myself again ignoring the pain and start walking making it to my desk where my phone is located. I sit in the chair and pain shoots through me. My once white sheets are now covered in blood. I feel something running down my legs and when I look down I see blood surrounding my badly bruised legs. I don't even want to know what the rest of my body looks like.

I unlock my phone and search through my contacts for the number I want. Once I find it, I hit the call button the same time I hear tires skid to a stop. A few seconds later the doorbell goes off and someone starts knocking like a mad man. I look at the time and frown. I don't know anyone enough to come here like this at this time.

I stand up and make my way to the door really slowly. Boy that hurt! I make it to the stairs and look down. Shit! How am I supposed to do this? I decide to take the steps one at a time. It feels like forever has passed once I made it past the last step. The banging on the door continues making my head hurt. I make it to the door and open it coming face to face with Amber. She has tears in her eyes and looks at me shocked. I haven't looked at myself in the mirror yet so I'm not sure how bad I look; bloody wrapped in just a sheet.

"Oh love, what did he do to you?" she asks me coming in and closing the door behind her. Looking horrified she pulls me into a loose hug so she won't hurt me and I am thankful for that.

"A-Amber he beat me a-and I was r-raped," I whimper crying in her chest.

She pulls away and helps me walk, "Let's go get you cleaned up," she whispers to me.

We start up the stairs with her arms around my waist and mine on the railing for support. It took us a while to get upstairs, but we managed it and made it in the bathroom where I can finally look at myself in the mirror. I gasp at the person staring back at me through the mirror with bruising all over her uncovered skin. I look at Amber through the mirror and notice that she has her hand over here mouth to keep herself from crying out. I take a big breath in and drop the sheet I have covering me and we both gasp. My body is no longer a light color. It is covered in black, blue and purple bruises. My sides, my stomach, my chest, every inch of my body is bad. I have dry blood everywhere and I have cuts where my bruises are that makes them hurt even more. I still have an open gash on the side of my head that is dripping blood.

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