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Thankfully my dad hasn't hit me at all for the past week so I am able to get some sleep and properly heal. The problem is, though, that you can still see the bruising on my body, my busted lip and the big gash at the side of my head that will probably leave a scar. I am glad that he hasn't bothered me at all; I sleep well during the nights and I finally got some rest. The only reason I woke up now was because I heard the door slamming shut downstairs and immediately afterwards my alarm goes off. I sit up still in pain. I haven't been to school for the past week that I have been healing. The first couple days I was unable to move and I just laid in my bed only getting up to shower not even to eat, that's how bad it was. Now it's Monday and I am debating whether to go to school or not.

I grab my phone and text Amber letting her know that I am fine and asking her if I should go to school or not. After a few seconds she replies back telling me that I should go to school because I haven't been there in a week and she doesn't want me to fall behind. Sighing rather loudly I get up making my way to the bathroom because I know that she's right. I look at myself through the mirror; my face still looks bad.

I re-wrap my cuts and wrap up my ribs. I put some make-up on but it does little to no help concealing my bad bruising. Sighing I make my way to my room. I grab my black yoga pants and a loose fitting shirt which I have trouble putting on but eventually I do. I get my big sweater and put it on to help hide my arms and my face. It's around fall now so it's a little cold outside. I still can't get over the fact that I was raped by some guy. I think about it every night. I shake my head to get rid of the disgusting thoughts, I don't want to think about that right now.

I don't feel hungry at all so I leave for school right after I am ready. As I'm walking towards school I try to come up with an excuse to tell people so they won't snoop around my business;

" see my dad, kind of, beats me", or, "Oh! Don't worry, my dad was just drunk and took out the pain of my mom passing away on me", or even, "Oh! I'm a clumsy person and I fell down the stairs."

I want to scream because none of those are good excuses. I think I'm going to run the other way and when it's time for chemistry I'll get there early, get the work and leave. Yeah, that's it! I am so deep in thought that I don't realize that I've reached the school. Well, here goes nothing! I pull my hood over my face and walk with my head down towards my locker.

I hear people talking around me, about me, but I don't listen to any of them. I mean why should I? I reach my locker and open it. I hear someone call my name so I look up and see Chrissy making her way towards me. She is smiling at me but when she sees my face she gasps and her eyes go wide.

"Niykee, oh my god! What happened? Are you okay", she asks me looking at my face with a worried expression.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just had an accident. It's not that big of a deal", I tell her trying to convince her. She gives me a look of disbelief and I know she will have more questions for me.

"What happened", she asks still worried. Here it goes...

"I was running in the hall at home and I tripped over a rug and I ended up falling down the stairs", I say hoping she believes me. She studies my face for a little bit then nods her head like she believes me.

"Okay, well let me know if you need anything. I have to go talk to one of my teachers but I'll see you in class", she says looking at me one last time and then walking away.

I let out a big breath and put my forehead on the lockers.

I don't know how long I've been standing like this but suddenly I hear someone else call my name and I immediately know who it is. I can hear him coming up next to me. Just as I make the decision to run he grabs my hand turning me to face him. I feel his grip harden on my wrist but not enough to hurt me. He pulls my hood down and lifts my face to look at him but I close my eyes so I won't see his eyes because I will break down and start crying.

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