Chap 1 - Replaced

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Third person POV
It has been 3 weeks since the giant war and the campers are getting back to the usual routine. The gods have decided to merge the two camp and call it Camp Olympia (cliche I know). A black haired, green eyed boy was walking along the border ensuring the camp is safe from monsters. That boy is Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon, saviour and hero of Olympus. He had a content smile on his face as he watched the younger campers run around and play. Suddenly a sea green light erupted in the middle of the camp. Percy smiled knowingly and walked over to the light as well as all the campers. When the light disappeared, it revealed the sea god and a teenage boy. The new comer had muddy brown hair and moss green eyes. He held a shiny bronze sword by his side with the word 'Díni' engraved on the blade. Percy had a small smirk as he read it.

"Campers! This is my son Chad Waters. He has trained in Atlantis and is crowned Prince of Atlantis." Poseidon said with pride evident in his voice.

Percy frowned a little, 'Where was he when we were facing Kronos and Gaea, he looks the same age as me. And he's the crowned Prince of Atlantis? What about Triton?'

But Poseidon wasn't done. "He is also my favourite son and hero of Olympus. So you are expected to treat him with respect." Poseidon said, look at each and every camper as he said it.

'What! I was the one that cleared his name! I was the one that defeated Kronos and Gaea, I had a help but still!' Percy thought bitterly.

Poseidon then disappeared and Percy made his way to the middle.

"Hey, I'm Percy Jackson and looks like we're brothers." Percy said with a bright smile, dismissing his previous thoughts.

Chad scoffed and said, "You're Percy Jackson? You don't look like much."

Percy was shocked but covered it up with a smile.

"Well why don't you get yourself familiarized with camp and I'll see you later." Percy said calmly.

Percy walked away, he felt a bit hurt that his friends or even his girlfriend didn't defend him.

'They were probably just as shocked as I am and didn't get a change to say anything. Yeah.' He thought.

Percy suddenly remembered that it was his and Annabeth's anniversary next week and perked up. As he walked to the arena, Percy failed to see the campers, his friends and his girlfriend fawn over the new prince of the seas.

Time skip one week
Percy's POV
It has been literal hell for me ever since Chad arrived. So far he'd managed to get all the campers to hate me except Annabeth, Nico and Thalia. Chad stole Leo's tool belt and Jason's sword and pined it on me, told Piper that I said Aphrodite kids are useless and made Hazel and Frank believe that I thought they deserve their curses. The only people that I have left is Annabeth and my favourite cousins. I'm glad that she believes me and not my 'brother'. I told her to meet me at the beach after dinner and there's where I'm headed right now. When I arrived at the beach, I saw a couple making out. I ignored them and waited for Annabeth to show up. I patted my shorts pocket and relaxed a bit when I felt the familiar outline.

Since we love each other, I thought why not. I mean we went through literal hell together. I smiled when I took the ring out. It was a simple silver band with a sea green and stormy grey gem in the middle. I was snapped out of my musings when I heard Chad's voice. Why is he everywhere I turn?

"When are you gonna dump my pathetic brother. I want to show the whole camp you're mine." Chad said.

I frowned, why do I have a bad feeling about this.

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