Chap 17 - She's Back!/ Pain!

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At Olympus
Everyone was gathered up on Olympus, discussing the current loss of a commander. Astéri was looking around, searching for a certain face but couldn't find them. The primordial walked up to his Alpha Squad.

"Where is Ambrose?" He asked them.

They looked at each other and shrugged.

"You mean to tell me that with three pairs of eyes, nobody knows where Ambrose went." Astéri said.

They smiled sheepishly at him. Before the star primordial could lecture them, a small burst of light redirected their attention. When the light died down, everyone gasped. Ambrose was lying on the floor, blood oozing out of his cuts.

"Ambrose! What happened?" Astéri asked, rushing to his side.

"Was...too...late...she...gone..." Ambrose said weakly, before loosing consciousness.

Immediately, Astéri muttered a few words and Ambrose's body glowed a dark gold colour. The cuts and bruises slowly faded away. Astéri lifted him up and teleported him back to his room.

"He'll be fine. He just needs some rest." Astéri said when he saw the worried looks on the other Alphas face. "We will continue this meeting when my commander has recovered." He continued looking towards the gods.

Zeus grumbled but agreed nonetheless. The godly beings waved their hand and the demigods disappeared.

Time skip
Everyone was back on Olympus, attending the redo meeting concerning the female commander.

"Ambrose, please tell us what happened in Tartarus." Astéri asked kindly, starting the meeting.

"I was going to take back Arianna one way or another but Perseus tricked me. He delayed me so I couldn't reach her in time. I think Perseus changed her memories. He said 'She won't fall for your trickery. She knows your the enemy.' " Ambrose told them.

Hushed whispers broke out between the demigods.

"If my brothers used the method I think they used then we still have a chance to reverse it and bring her back. But the hard part is getting her away from Perseus. Our only hope is that Perseus is careless enough to bring her to the next battle, where we can retrieve her up and revert her back to normal." Astéri explained.

Ambrose immediately brightened up at those words.

Time skip
Ambrose paced around in the makeshift camp, anxious for the next battle.

"Calm down commander, we'll get her back." Delta said.

"Ugh! Can he take any longer to get here?!" Ambrose shouted, ignoring Delta.

Delta, on the other hand, sighed heavily and left. Ambrose continued to pace and as if hearing his outcry before, the camp's horn sounded three times. Ambrose literally lit up and ran out. As he reached the camp's entrance, he could spot almost a thousand monsters and figure in front, leading them all. As they walked closer, Ambrose prayed to all the primordials that the figure was who he thought it was. Agonizingly slow, the monster army marched forwards. Ambrose could hear the clanking of armour behind him but he was focused on the figure. A silhouette of a girl could be seen and Ambrose all most jumped for joy.

The girl stopped marching and the monsters followed suite. The girl narrowed her eyes and spoke in a clear loud voice.

"Surrender now and you will be granted clemency!"

Before Ambrose could open his mouth he was beaten to it.

"We will never surrender to you, traitor!" Chad shouted.

Ambrose would've decapitated the sea spawn if it weren't for the monster army's advance. The demigods charged and within a few seconds it was a blood bath...or maybe a gold bath. The demigods were winning. Ambrose scanned the crowd for Arianna. When he spotted her, she was simply standing in the same spot as before. He stealthily crept up behind her. She hadn't sensed him yet. As Ambrose was raising the hilt of his sword, she turned in a flash. But before Arianna could deflect, Ambrose swiftly rammed the hilt to her temple, effectively knocking her out. Before her body could hit the ground, Ambrose scooped her up.

He looked around his and saw he remaining monsters retreating.

He let out a small smile, 'We did it. We got her back.'

A few seconds later, a bright flash erupted in front of the demigods, announcing the gods and primordials arrival.

"Excellent job, Ambrose. Now quickly bring her here. The longer the spell is on her, the harder it is to break." Astéri said hastily.

Ambrose hurried over to the primordial's side and gently set Arianna onto the ground. Instantly all the primordials were chanting in a language that nobody could understand, not even the Alphas. Suddenly, a dim gold light surrounded Arianna. The gold light glowed brighter as the chanting got louder. When the primordials stopped, the light lingered for a few more seconds before disappearing completely.

"She need to rest now. When she wakes up then we'll know if it worked." Astéri told them.

In Tartarus
"Everything is in order. The gods won't even know what hit them." Luke smirked.

"Excellent. Now we can-" "Aargh!"

All of a sudden Perseus fell to his knees. Everyone started at him with wide eyes, not knowing what to do, as he continued screaming. When his screams subsided, Tartarus flashed in.

"Son! Are you alright?!" He said worriedly.

Perseus nodded weakly and went to answer but an agonising scream echoed throughout the palace. Perseus bolted up and sprinted to source of the scream. He barged into his room to find Thalia on the floor, curled into herself and screaming. Perseus rushed over to her and picked her up, bridal style. He tried using his powers to soothe her, his hands glowed black and he could feel himself weakening.

After a while Thalia's screams started to turn into soft whimpers. Perseus laid her on the bed and followed suite. Thalia cuddled into him and Perseus could see tear marks on her face.

"Are you ok? What happened?" He asked softly.

She nodded, "I don't know. I just came in to look for something and then all of a sudden I felt like I was being stabbed all over."

"Get some rest first. Then we'll gather the primordial council and ask them if they have any clue." Perseus said.

He felt her nod against his chest. Perseus still felt weak and after a couple more seconds, nodded off. His beloved followed soon after.

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