Chap 14 - Counter Abduction

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In Tartarus
Perseus was training in the simulation room when a servant interrupted him.

"My lord, the primordials have asked for you. They said it was about a ring." The servant said.

Perseus dismissed the servant before heading to the meeting room. When he arrived, the Elites have already been seated.

"We have progress on the ring. The forgers have managed to replicate it thanks to Hephaestus' essence. Now, what shall we do to the body?" End said.

"I say we give him back to the gods. He is of no use to us anymore." Zoë suggested.

"But won't they try to bring him back? Is there even a way to revive him?" Sasha asked.

The others looked to the primordials for an answer.

"His essence is completely drained. Even if they wanted to bring him back into a state of consciousness, they would have to drain another god or a group equivalent to a god and put their essence into him. Unless they are willing to commit genocide, they won't do it. The only beings they will be able to drain are gods, demigods and creatures of the mythological world." Ananke explained.

"Well then, all in favour?" Eros asked.

"Oh for fucks sake, you're starting to sound like the gods. Don't even say that again." Perseus said, rolling his eyes.

"Who will be transporting Hephaestus? Anyone?" Abyss asked.

Nobody answered.

"I guess I'll have to do it." Perseus sighed.

"Great! Meeting dismissed." Erebus announced, walking out.

Perseus transported himself to the cell that was currently holding the god. He snapped his finger and god was thrown through a portal. Perseus summoned a note and pasted it onto the god. Perseus looked through the portal and nodded in approval. He snapped his fingers once more and the portal disappeared.

"Time for lunch." Perseus said, walking away.

The camp
The campers were walking idly around while some who were actually concerned about the war, were training hard.

"Unbelievable. These campers don't even care about the war." Ambrose said, walking along the borders.

"At least some of them care enough to train." Arianna said, optimistically.

Suddenly they felt weightless for a moment. They looked around wildly but relaxed instantly when they saw the familiar faces.

"Sorry for that sudden transport, it's just that the council wanted you present for this." Thalassa said.

"We have been talking and since Heaven's Demon is...gone, we have decided to build one similar to it. Or more specifically two." Aether said.

"The two of you will wield the two swords. You will be able to summon the sword at will." Phusis told them.

"These swords will only know to those present right now. You will tell no one of this. Understood?" Astéri said.

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