Chap 9 - The Duel/A Sabotage

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In Tartarus
"Hey princess. Luke told me there's gonna be a duel at the stupid camp at midnight, between the doofus and one of the Light Army's commander. You wanna go? We can also cause some trouble there if you'd like." Perseus asked while hugging Thalia from behind.

"Sure. At the same time, we could see how he fights." Thalia responded, in the midst of making a sandwich.

"So what do you want to do today?" Thalia asked, turning around.

"How 'bout we watch a movie. We have 2 more hours before we leave." Perseus replied, taking a bite from Thalia's sandwich.

She slapped him on the chest and walked away. He snickered and chased after his beloved.

Time skip Midnight
In the arena, campers were sitting in the stands waiting for the Light Army's commander to enter. In the middle stood Chad, wearing full armour and holding his sword. The rest of the seven stood behind Chad, cheering him on. Above the campers, shadows started pooling on the support beams. Perseus and Thalia popped out from the shadows and looked down on the unsuspecting demigods.

"Looks like we're just in time." Thalia said, leaning against Perseus' chest.

"Ha. Looks like the almighty commander is to scared to even show up." Chad said smugly.

"I just believe in being fashionably late." Ambrose said, walking in the arena with the rest of the Alpha squad in tow.

"Hope you don't mind. I brought my team along to see your humiliating defeat." Ambrose smirked.

"The only defeat they'll witness is yours." Chad sneered.

Ambrose walked into the empty circle and took off his armour, leaving him in only shirt and jeans. The Aphrodite cabin swooned as they're eyes laid on his prominent muscles.

"Giving up so soon?" Chad taunted.

"I don't need armour to kick your ass." Ambrose stated.

"Enough talk. Let's see you can back up those words of yours with action." Ambrose said, brandishing his sword from its sheath.

(Ambrose's sword)

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(Ambrose's sword)

Immediately, Chad dashes forward with his sword poised to strike. Before the sword could touch Ambrose, he moved slightly and dodge the blade. Chad frowned and went to slash at the commander. Ambrose easily avoided the slash as well. Chad scowled and continuously hacked at Ambrose. Ambrose effortlessly dogged each strike from the son of Poseidon.

"That idiot. He's tiring himself out." Perseus scoffed.

Within a minute, Chad was panting and the commander was standing in front of him, looking bored.

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