Chap 15 - Missing?!

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At camp
"My lord, we have succeeded in the mission." Ambrose reported to Astéri through star mist, which is something like IM.

"Excellent. With her in our hands, we shall be able to control Perseus." Astéri said. "Where is Arianna?"

"She's trying to extract information from the prisoner." Ambrose told him.

"Alright. Go see if she has uncovered any of the enemy's plans." Astéri ordered.

"Yes sir." Ambrose saluted.

He walked to the cell and saw Arianna glaring at the contained girl.

"Did you get anything?" Ambrose asked.

"Nothing. She hasn't said a word since we brought her here." Arianna said.

Ambrose turned to Thalia, "If you cooperate you will be spared. Tell us what he's planing and we'll let you live after the war."

Thalia looked him in the eyes and smirked darkly, "Let me live" scoff "you will never win this war. In fact, you've already lost. Since the beginning."

Ambrose glared at her.

"Let's go. There's nothing for us here." Arianna said, pulling him out of the room.

They exited the big house and walked aimlessly around camp.

"So what did Astéri say? What are we going to do next?" Arianna asked.

"He didn't say much. He just us to let him know if we uncover any of Perseus' plans. Our next move is to threaten Perseus in front of the whole of camp and we can use Thalia. It will show the campers and gods that we can win against Perseus. Once he sees his 'queen' in our grasp, he'll do anything to keep her safe." Ambrose inform her.

"What about me? Would you do anything to keep me safe?" Arianna asked smirking.

"O-of course. You're my partner." Ambrose stuttered, blushing.

Arianna smiled at him and they continued walking in silence.

Time skip
"We asked all of you here today to witness the negotiation with Perseus." Astéri announced.

The primordials, gods and demigods were gathered in the amphitheater.

"What does that mean?" A camper asked.

"It means we can win the war." Pontus said.

Everyone cheered at the thought of winning the war.

"But how?" Another camper asked.

"We have managed to capture Thalia Grace. We'll use her to make Perseus forfeit." Hemera said.

At that, the campers started to murmur.

Then a camper spoke up, "How will you contact him? He's in Tar-the pit."

"We will use star mist. It is a form of communication, something like Iris messaging." Ambrose said.

The primordials snapped their fingers and star mist appeared in front of them, large enough to let everyone see and since they wanted to reach into Tartarus, they all had combine their powers. On the mist, an image of a dark haired man sitting on a throne appeared.

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