Chap 13 - Abduction

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A month later
A month has passed and the the seven were currently standing in the camp's arena.

"Shall we show each other what powers we acquired over the month?" Annabeth asked the rest.

They agreed and one by one they demonstrated what they learned over the past month. Unknown to them, a shadow with pure white eyes was watching them from the corner of the arena.

(Powers that they received from the primordials)
Pontus, Thalassa, Tethys- Hydrokinesis, Aquatic Respiration and Holy Water Manipulation.
Hemera, Aether- Photokinesis, Laser Emission (bend light wavelengths to create lasers), Light Absorption (absorb the light around you), Light Generation (emit blinding light or glow in the dark), Light Manipulation.
Phusis- Geokinesis, Crystallokinesis, Geo-Thermokinesis, Pure Earth Manipulation, Terrakinesis.

"With these powers, Perseus doesn't even stand a chance." Chad smirked.

The rest of the seven nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly with Chad. Suddenly, two columns of blinding white light appeared in the middle of camp. The light show gathered the attention of every single camper. When the light died down, the two commanders were revealed. Both of them were wearing the same armour as before but now it had a star insignia on the left breastplate. The seven walked up to them.

"So what powers did you get?" Piper asked curiously.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Ambrose said.

Before Chad could retort with something stupid, the horn sounded three times. The campers had wide eyes for a brief moment before they rushed to get their weapons. The commanders and the seven ran to the camp's entrance and saw thousands upon thousands of monsters waiting. In front of the monsters stood two men and a woman. The man with the blood red and black eyes wielded Hell's Angle while the woman with dark blue eyes wielded Heaven's Demon, the other man with pitch black eyes held a simple Stygian iron sword.

"How perfect. Everyone, conveniently in one place. Makes it so much more easier to kill you." Perseus smirked.

"If anyone's gonna die today it's you or one of your little friends." Arianna shouted.

Perseus smirked, "Tsk, tsk, tsk. You really don't know who you're up against, do you?"

"Doesn't matter, you will never win." Ambrose spat.

"And you think just because you're blessed by that self righteous bastard of a primordial, you will win?" Perseus asked, smirk never leaving his face.

Ambrose and Arianna glared scathingly at him for insulting their leader.

"Ugh. I'm getting bored. Time for some action. Charge." Perseus deadpanned.

Instantly the monsters rushed forwards. The campers shuffled on their feet when they saw the monster army coming right at them. The seven charged forwards which also made the rest of the campers charge.

Nico rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Pathetic."

Perseus, Nico and Thalia stood still and watched the monsters cut down one demigod after the other. Perseus spotted seven demigods hacking their way to them.

"How 'bout you two greet our old friends. I'll take care of the pompous brats." Perseus smirked.

Thalia and Nico nodded and jogged towards the seven demigods. Perseus looked around the battlefield and once his gaze landed on his targets, he walked leisurely towards them while swinging his sword.

"They're mine. Go and make sure nothing happens to the queen." Perseus told the Nemean Lion.

The lion bowed and sprinted off. 

"Let's see what you got." Perseus said, smirking.

The two commanders circled him. Perseus simply stood still, waiting for them to strike. Ambrose moved first. He dashed forward and tried to slice at Perseus' legs. Perseus dodged and swung his sword at Ambrose's torso. Arianna blocked the strike and countered with one of her own. Each time they went to strike, Perseus made it look like they were about to hit their mark before moving again. They went back and forth for several minutes. Arianna and Ambrose were forcing their sword against Perseus'. The two commanders were straining to overpower him but Perseus was just stronger than the two of them. Suddenly, Perseus' head snapped to the right and he smiled sinisterly.

"He's here." Perseus said.

Getting tired of the little battle, Perseus moved swiftly and bashed the hilt of his sword against the commanders temples, disorienting them. In a flash of black, he and his whole army disappeared. The campers looked around, confused. In the midst of the battle, nobody noticed the Olympians have come to help.

"What happened?" Annabeth asked to nobody in particular.

"We don't know. Everyone, meeting in the big house." Chiron said.

The campers cramped themselves into the big house, wanting to know what had just happened. The gods noticed the lack of space and snapped their fingers, making the room expand.

"Does anyone have any ideas on what just occurred." Athena asked.

"Before the army...disappeared, Perseus said 'He's here' then vanished." Arianna informed them.

"So either he was afraid of someone, which is highly impossible because he smiled, or he took somebody. Is anyone missing from their cabins?" Ambrose explained then asked.

The campers looked around and shook their heads.

"Be on the look out. He took something or someone." Beta said.

Everyone slowly trickled out of the big house and went back to their respective cabins.

In Tartarus
Perseus stood in front of a pitch black cage, smirking. He watched the powerless man continuously bang against the bars, trying to break out.

"It is pointless. This cage prevents you from using your powers." Void told the man.

"What do you want from me?" The man gruffly asked.

"Oh nothing much. We're just gonna need your mechanical expertise to help us with something." Perseus told him.

"I will never help you!" He spat.

"You won't have to, Hephaestus. This nifty little machine is gonna drain you of your powers and transfer it to your children. You know, the ones you tossed into the pit." Nico said, patting a machine beside to him.

The forge god's eyes widen when he saw the machine.

"Impossible. I couldn't get it to work." He whispered.

"See that's the problem with you gods. You're to arrogant and prideful. You think that just because you tried to build or fix things and it doesn't turn out the way you expect it to, you think that no one else will be able to do it." Thalia said.

"Let's get to it, shall we?" Void said.

Void snapped his fingers and transported Hephaestus into the chamber in the machine.

"It will take awhile to fully drain his powers, so we shall come back in the morning." Void told the other.

Thalia pulled the lever and the machine whirred to life. In the chamber, they could see the essence fly out of him and into the storage compartment. Hephaestus grunted in pain as his essence continues to leave his body. His spectators smirks at him one more time before exiting the room, leaving him alone in the dark.

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