Chap 6 - The Olympian's Help

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All campers were standing in the Olympus throne room waiting for Zeus to begin the meeting. Zeus and Poseidon walked into the throne room and spotted their new 'sons' and went over to greet them.

"There's my favourite son. How are you finding camp? I hope the campers are treating you properly." Zeus said, while staring down Jason.

Poseidon asked the similar thing to Cole while staring down Chad.

"Camp's cool." The two responded.

The gods nodded at them and walked back to their thrones, ignoring Jason and Chad entirely. Brody and Cole smirked smugly at their 'brothers'.

Chad and Jason saw the smirk and in turn, glared at them but their fathers saw this and shouted, "Jason! Chad! Be nice to your brothers."

Said people were baffled but couldn't say or do anything as Zeus started to speak.

"We are gathered here today to discuss on how to defeat Tartarus and our new enemy, Perseus-" gasps were heard from every camper except the new four, who acted confused "-Athena what is our battle plan." Zeus said loudly.

"We won't have to worry about Perseus. He is but a mere demigod. He won't be a problem." Athena said dismissively.

"You are wrong." A voice called out.

Suddenly a white portal appears in the middle of the throne room and a being with pure white hair and clothes steps out. The being had stars for eyes.

"Who are you?! How dare you interrupt our council!" Zeus yelled, pulling out his master bolt and aiming it at the being.

The being looked amusedly at the armed gods and demigods.

"Oh put that away. Your little firecracker isn't going to hurt me. And as for who I am, I'm hurt you don't remember. Maybe Astéri, primordial god of stars and space, rings a bell." The being announced.

The gods' eyes widen and they bowed immediately.

"Who?" Chad stupidly asked.

"I am one of the creators of the universe, boy! I would watch that mouth of yours before it gets you killed." Astéri said, glaring at Chad.

"What do you mean Athena was wrong, Lord Astéri?" Poseidon questioned.

"She is wrong in thinking Perseus will not be a problem. Perseus is the one who is waging war on Olympus not Tartarus. Tartarus is simply helping his son." Astéri explained.

Once again Chad HAD to speak up.

"Who is Tartarus' son?" He asked.

"Perseus. Perseus is Tartarus' son, you nincompoop!" Astéri shouted, losing his patience.

"Then what shall we do? Perseus has the backing of Tartarus." Athena said.

"Me and a few other primordials offer assistance in this war as you are not only going against Tartarus and Perseus. I will tell you which primordials are on their side and which primordials are willing to help you." Astéri said, pulling out a scroll.

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