Chap 7 - The New Sword/An Attack

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In a flash of black, the Prince of hell and his companions appeared in the living room of his palace. Void was already sitting on the couch, waiting for them to show.

"Ah, there you are. Were there any complications?" He asked as he spotted them.

"Nope. We got the Kraken and Typhon on our side. Zoë and Bianca got the Phoenixes and Griffins on our side. And we got the Ophiotaurus. No one was in the throne room. Got in and out." Thalia said.

"Good. Now it'll take me a while to clone the Ophiotaurus. But once I do, you will have to wait for the other four to get back from their mission before all of you burn the entrails together." Void explained his plan.

While listening to his plan, Perseus absentmindedly played with his new sword. Suddenly the room got quite and Perseus meet Void's wide eyes.

"Yes?" Perseus asked.

"Where did you get that?" Void asked, pointing to the shiny sword in Perseus' hand.

"Oh! I found it on Olympus. It was embedded into the ground but I got it out and decided to keep it. Why?" Perseus said, curiously.

"Perseus, that is Heaven's Demon! Now you have both the swords!" Void exclaimed.

" that's why it looked so familiar." Perseus realized.

The rest of the occupants of the room did a face palm at Perseus' words.

"Well I'm tired from all the recruiting so, I'm gonna go take a nap." Perseus said, getting up.

Void sighed and waved them away then disappeared along with the Ophiotaurus. Thalia also felt tired and went to her and Perseus' room. Nico and Will looked at each other and decided to go back their room as well for some quality time together (😉😉). When Thalia entered the room, Perseus was sitting on the side of the bed with Heaven's Demon in his hand.

"You know, I'm not always gonna use two swords at once. So here, this is for you." Perseus said, handing a beautiful necklace to Thalia.

It was a simple silver chain but the gem was captivating. In the middle of the chain hung a diamond and inside the diamond was a sapphire blue star against a blood red landscape.

"Not that I don't like it. But what's it for?" Thalia asked, entranced by the diamond.

"This necklace will allow you to access Hell's Angle and Heaven's Demon whenever you want to. I'll give Nico a similar bracelet like mine. But if one person is using the sword the summoner wanted, then the other available sword will appear instead. If both Hell's Angel and Heaven's Demon are being used, then another sword, second to only Hell's Angel and Heaven's Demon, will appear. You will also be able to access your own sword. All you have to do is think it." Perseus explained, summoning SoulReaper.

" Perseus explained, summoning SoulReaper

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