Chap 19 - The End...?

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Two days later
Campers and soldiers alike were gearing up, getting ready to invade the enemy's base. They were strapping on their armour and sharpening their weapons. Suddenly a bright light erupted in front of them, indicating the arrival of the Olympians and the primordials.

"Today we end the war and cast judgement to Perseus. He will be sorry for ever opposing us!" Zeus boomed.

The crowd of demigods roared in approval, causing the king of gods to smirk. Behind the Olympians, the primordials shook their heads at the lightning god's antics.

"Gather around! We shall flash everyone to the base!" Zeus ordered.

Instantly the demigods huddled around the gods but before Zeus could snap his fingers, Astéri spoke up.

"Do you even know where their base is?" He asked.

Zeus's eyes widened as he froze in his tracks. Astéri sighed and snapped his fingers. The world around them faded for a second before they could focus on their surroundings again.

"Where are we?" Chad asked.

"Is he serious right now? We're obviously in San Francisco." Arianna said, exasperated.

The demigods looked around and sure enough, they were in San Fran. A couple miles away, they could see the outline of Perseus' fortress. The gods caught the eyes of the seven and nodded.

The seven nodded back and shouted, "Form ranks!"

Instantly the demigods got into position, a simple square formation. The primordials looked at the Alphas and wished then luck then dissapeared. Since it was against ancient laws, the Olympians flashed out as well, after giving the demigods a couple words of encouragement which were, 'The fate of Olympus rest in your hands. Do not fail us.' The demigods looked at each other determinedly and began to march towards the fortress, Alphas not far behind.

In the fortress
A servant scrambled into the throne room and bowed.

"My king, the demigods are approaching!" The servant said, nervously.

Perseus' eyes were cold and emotionless.

"Let them come." He said.

"But my king-" The servant was instantly silenced with a sharp glare from Perseus.

"I said, let them come." Perseus repeated.

The servant looked hesitant but answered with a, "Yes my lord."

Perseus dismissed the servant and Thalia came waltzing in. She sat on his lap and played with his hair.

"You're nervous." Perseus stated.

Thalia sighed and nodded, "What's not to worry about. What if this doesn't work? I just don't want anything to happen to the baby."

Perseus frowned and said, "It will work. We just have to play our part. You don't have to worry about anything, I won't let anything happen to either of you."

Thalia smiled at him and kissed him like there's no tomorrow. 

Once they pulled apart, they simply sat in comfortable silence.

Time skip

Perseus was standing around a small table, which was littered with maps. Thalia hugged him from behind, looking over his shoulder.

"So what do you think about-" Perseus was abruptly cut off when the doors flew open.

Third person POV

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