Chap 2 - The Prophecy

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2 months later
In the middle of the night, a black haired girl walks through the forest and towards a pile of rubble which was known as Zeus' fist. Halfway up the path, a muscular hand shot out from behind a tree and grabbed the unsuspecting girl. Before she could attack, she caught a glimpse of familiar red and calmed down. When the hand released her, she slapped the owner of that hand.

"Don't do that! You almost gave me a heart attack." She whispered furiously.

"Sorry princess," a deep voice chuckled.

The girl rolled her eyes and said, "When exactly can Nico and I come back home?"

"Soon princess, father says that in a day he will send monsters to attack and declare war on the gods." The deep voice said, he spat at the word 'gods'.

The owner of the voice stepped forward. Under the moonlight, the girl could see the lean muscular build of a man. She hooked her arms around his neck and ran her fingers through his silky black hair, striped with red, green and gold. She leaned in gave a soft kiss to the man, who instantly deepened it. As his tongue aggressively dominated her mouth, a mewl escaped from the girls mouth.

"You should get back Thalia, before border patrol or the harpies find you wondering around." He said after pulling away from the kiss.

"Fine. See you later Perseus." She purred looking into his entrancing eyes.

(His eye colour

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(His eye colour. Just ignore the dam eyeshadow)

Thalia skillfully crept to the Hades cabin, avoiding all the sentries. Stepping into the cabin, Thalia spots her little cousin/brother playing with his mythomagic cards.

"I thought you said you don't play with those things anymore." Thalia said, announcing herself.

Nico jumped from surprise and scrambled to hide the trading cards but ultimately failing.

"I wasn't playing with it. I was just...reminiscing." Nico said with a frown.

Thalia felt bad and tried to cheer him up.

"Cheer up Neeks few more days and we finally get to leave this shit hole and go home and you'll see Bianca again."

That seemed to do the trick as the corners of Nico's lips twitch upwards.

"Also, there will be a monster attack tomorrow. So be ready." Thalia added.

"Alright. Goodnight Thals." Nico said while crawling under his blanket.

"Goodnight death breath." Thalia replied, getting into the spare bed.

BANG! BANG! BANG! Thalia and Nico jumped awake and looked around wildly. BANG! BANG! BANG! Thalia groaned loudly and went to answer the door.

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