Chap 3 - The New Enemy

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Thalia's POV
A tall, lean muscular man walked in and unceremoniously dumped himself onto the throne. I rolled my eyes, why did Tartarus send his son to do important things like this.

'I can hear you, you know?' A voice appeared in my head.

'Shut up and do what your suppose to, Perseus.' I mentally chided.

I saw him roll his eyes and then smirked at the demigods kneeling before him.

"Well, well, well look who we have here. How kind of you to grace me with your presence." Perseus said, heavy with sarcasm.

But being the brainless idiot he is, Chad misinterpreted it and said, "So you finally see that I'm better than you. 'Bout time and all it took was for the gods to cast you here."

In an instant, Perseus' eyes flashed blood red and Chad was screaming his lungs out. I gave a small smirk when I realised what Perseus did. Blood seeped out of Chad's shirt and the rest of the seven was yelling at Perseus to stop whatever he's doing.

Eventually he halted his actions and said in an eerily calm voice, "I'd watch what I'd say if I were you. Especially when you're in my home. Now why don't you tell me the real reason you're here."

"The gods have asked for you to aid us in the war we are currently having with Tartarus." After Piper said that, the whole place trembled.

"You should be careful to say that name in this place. And what makes you think I'll help the pathetic gods? After all they've done to me." Perseus said calmly but he was shaking a little.

I knew that was still a touchy subject for him. Who wouldn't if they were in his shoes.

"You have to! You owe them your life!" Annabeth shouted.

Oh you stupid, stupid girl. In a blink of an eye, Perseus was holding her up by her throat. Her eyes were wide and she was gasping for air. Chad rushed to Perseus, wanting to stop him, but was held back by a couple of guards.

"I owe them?! If anything they owe me for saving their asses more times than they can count!" He shouted in her face.

She clawed at his hand, attempting to get free from his grasp. What is he doing? He isn't suppose to kill her now. I decided to step in before he has to deal with the primordial council.

Third person POV
Thalia easily escaped without alerting the guard and went behind Perseus. She hugged him from behind and she felt him relax a minuscule.

Thalia nuzzled into his neck and whispered softly, "Calm down. Remember what they said. You'll get your chance later."

Perseus released his hold. Annabeth dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes and tried to draw in as much air as she can. Thalia turned him around and kissed him gently. He growled into the kiss and pulled her body flushed against his. He walked them back to the throne, not breaking the kiss. Perseus sat back on the throne with Thalia perched on his lap, still kissing.

They finally parted when Nico stood up and said, "Alright, let's keep the PDA to a minimum shall we."

Thalia and Perseus separated and cast a glance at him.

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