Chap 8 - The Alphas

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Still at the camp
"What do mean 'we have a problem'?" Aphrodite said.

"Exactly as I said. We have a problem." Astéri said, rolling his eyes.

"Well, what's the problem then?" Demeter asked.

"That sword that you just saw, that was Hell's Angel. The other ancient sword is in the hands of the enemy. We have to find a demigod suitable for Heaven's Demon quick or we're all done for." Pontus said.

"You should just hand me the sword, you know, since I am the best demigod and everything." Chad said arrogantly a second after Apollo healed him.

Aether fired a white fireball at Chad.

"How dare you. As Astéri said, the sword chooses its wielder. Only the most worthy may posses Heaven's Demon." Aether grits out.

"I am worthy-" Chad starts but is cut of by Astéri.

"ENOUGH!" He shouted.

"This is no time for petty squabbles. Aether, calm down. And you," Astéri points his finger at Chad, "watch what you say. We are primordials and we will not be spoken to in that manner by a mere mortal. I WILL wipe you from the face of the earth and even your father won't be able to help you."

"Now, you demigods shall begin your training immediately. The gods shall also partake in the training. It's about time for you to get of your lazy asses." Hemera said.

Zeus was about to open his mouth and protest but a glare from Aether that clearly said 'Keep your mouth shut if you want to see the light of day again' kept him quite.

"We shall be sending our Alpha squad to lead your training and we will be watching as well, so there better be no reports of you being uncooperative. The Alpha squad will also be helping in the war but only when we tell them to, so none of you better be slacking or you'll end up in the underworld." Hemera continued.

"I have just contacted the Alpha squad and they will be landing in right" Pontus informed.

Just as he said that a huge spaceship appeared above the camp. It hovered a few feet above ground and the spaceships's door slid open. One by one, people in white armour jumped down and landed softly on the ground. There were about 3 people in white armour. The last two people to get off were wearing white armour with silver inscriptions and designs. (Altogether 5)

The male pressed a button on his wrist and the spaceship folded and shrunk until it was only a cube left

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The male pressed a button on his wrist and the spaceship folded and shrunk until it was only a cube left. He picked up the cube and placed into his exposed pants pocket. They saluted and the rest of the team followed.

"Commanders. Please take off your helmets and introduce yourselves." Astéri commanded.

The campers could see that the members of the Alpha squad was good looking since they didn't have helmets on but when the commanders took theirs off the whole camp gasped, even the gods. They were even more gorgeous than Aphrodite herself but not more than Eros and Perseus' army (including him), since they were all blessed by Eros himself and because Eros believes that their beauty will paralyze the enemy or something like that.

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