Chap 10 - Another Prophecy

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One week later on Olympus
Apollo flashed to the meeting, frantic to tell the council of his new prophecy.

"Father I have news!" Apollo shouted once the light died down.

"What is it Apollo?" Zeus inquired.

"There's a new prophecy. And it goes like this." Apollo cleared his throat.

"The seven allied with the commanders
Shall venture to a place long forgotten
To discover a forgotten deity
Recruit or lose him, the war is at stake
But beware the shadows that lurk beneath"

"It clearly means that the Seven demigods and the two commanders will go down to a place long forgotten together. They will have to find a forgotten deity that will tip the scales for either side. I'm positive that the last line refers to Perseus. He will try to recruit the forgotten deity." Athena explained.

"And he will fail. The deity will surely pick us over some demigod." Zeus said, arrogantly.

"We shall go to the camp and inform the campers about the new prophecy and ask athe oracle to give another prophecy on where that place is." Artemis said.

The council agreed and flashed out.

At camp
The campers and the Alphas were sitting quietly in the  dining pavilion, still shaken up from the death of the Aphrodite camper.

"That stupid note was a trick. Can't believe we fell for it." Arianna grumbled.

Suddenly a blinding white light erupted in the middle of the pavilion and when it died down the Olympians and the Light Primordials were revealed.

"My lord, what brings you here?" Ambrose asked, bowing.

Zeus was about to open his mouth when Astéri beat him to it.

"There has been a new prophecy. It will be said once the Alphas reveal their parentage. Since they delayed it because of the unfortunate death that occurred recently." Astéri hesitantly said, eyeing a female demigod that suddenly burst into tears.

"Well as you know, I am a son of Oceanus." Ambrose said.

"And I am a daughter of Kronos." Arianna announced.

Gasps rung throughout the pavilion as the crooked ones name was mentioned.

"Oh shut up." Arianna shouted, glaring at the campers.

"Traitor! She'll sell us out to the enemy! Get-" Chad shouted but was cut off when a white beam collided with his chest.

"Be quite, boy!" Aether yelled.

The other three of the Alphas introduced their code names and parents.

"I'm Beta, son of Hyperion." One male Alpha said.

"Gamma. Son of Atlas." The other male Alpha said, stiffly.

"Hi I'm Delta, daughter of Helios." Said the female Alpha.

"So you're all the children of Titans?" Drew asked.

"Duh!" "Obviously." Beta and Delta said simultaneously.

"Apollo, please tell us the prophecy." Hemera said.

"The seven allied with the commanders
Shall venture to a place long forgotten
To discover a forgotten deity
Recruit or lose him, the war is at stake
But beware the shadows that lurk beneath" Apollo recited.

"The two commanders and the Seven are to go on this quest." Athena said.

"Yes thank you, Athena. We had no clue." Pontus deadpanned.

Athena glared at the back of the sea primordial.

"Right. Before we go into the quest, we shall announce the camper that has completed the obstacle course in the least amount of time." Ambrose said loudly.

"But there has been a tie and they will have to discuss among themselves as to who will get the ring." Arianna added.

The Seven smirked at each other thinking that they have won. As they were getting up from their seats the commanders next words froze them.

"And the winners are Brody, Blaire, Cole and Sasha." Ambrose announced with a smile.

As the four got up and made their way to the commander, Chad rose as well.

"The newbies won!? There better be a mistake! We were the fastest! We are the rightful winners!" Chad shouted, outraged.

"I don't know what form of reality you live in where you think you are the fastest but they finished the course in 15 minutes while it took you seven and the campers a good hour." Ambrose smirked.

The four received the ring from Arianna and mind linked.

'Lets see if the council can replicate it and give it to the army. It'll be a major advantage.' Luke suggested.

'Wow. Who knew you could make good plans.' Ethan gibed.

'Stop it, boys. Let's see what else here saying.' Sasha and Blaire said.

'Woah, creepy' the boys said then stared at each other.

They focused back onto the commander who's asking about the new quest.

"When are we leaving my lord?" Arianna asked.

"After breakfast then you shall all go. You must find this being and convince him or her to join us. It would be our winning piece." Thalassa said.

"Yes my lady." Ambrose saluted.

In Tartarus
Perseus was sitting on his throne with Thalia on his lap while Nico sat on his own throne to Perseus' left. They were talking idly when suddenly a servant ran into the throne room, panting heavily.

"My king, it is complete." The servant said, kneeling in front of them.

"Very good. Now leave us." Perseus dismissed.

The servant bowed once more then shuffled away.

"Do we want to know? Or are we just gonna find out ourselves?" Nico asked.

"I think it's better for you to see it when it happens." Perseus smirked.

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