Chap 11 - The Traitors

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After breakfast
The commanders and the Seven were gathered at the camp entrance, discussing the quest.

"Ok, so after visiting the oracle, it gave us directions to go to Alaska. Apparently there is a secret cave that the gods hid. Don't really know what's in the cave." Ambrose informed them.

"The almighty commander doesn't know anything? Shocker." Chad mocked.

"Maybe you'd like to share your invaluable information on the cave." Ambrose said with his brow raised.


"Didn't think so." Ambrose said.

"Alright let's go. The primordials are letting us use their pegasi." Arianna said.

"Why can't we just use the camp's one? What so special about these pegasi?" Piper asked.

Before either commander could answer, a group of 9 pegasi swooped in and landed before them.

"These pegasi are faster than any ordinary pegasus

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"These pegasi are faster than any ordinary pegasus. They'll get us to Alaska within an hour." Arianna said.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road...or sky." Chad said, jumping onto one of the pegasi.

Immediately, the Pegasus bucked the offending demigod off of it.

"How dare you! I am the son of Poseidon, the father of all horses! I am your master." Chad shouted, outraged.

After those words left his mouth, a sword was position against Chad's throat.

"You are not their master. They listen only to Astéri. Their true master." Ambrose said, dangerously calm.

Chad nodded furiously and Ambrose removed the sword.

"Let's go." Jason said.

The commanders effortlessly mounted the winged horses while the seven carefully did so and took off.

At the lake
Luke, Blaire, Sasha and Ethan were relaxing near the lake when suddenly a shadowy image formed in front of them. The recognized the familiar face and greeted him.

"Hey P. What's up." Luke greeted.

"You guys can come back home. I'll send a shadow to watch the enemy. But before you get down here, I need you intercept the idiots at Alaska. Once you reach, Ethan will fire a black lightning bolt into the sky. A guy will pick you up, he will show you the crest. He will tell you the rest of the plan." Perseus said in a breath then faded away.

The four looked at each other until Luke spoke.

"Well looks like we got a brand new mission. We better get going." Luke said.

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