Chap 16 - Retrieving

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"We have to at least try!" Ambrose shouted.

"I'm sorry Ambrose, but it is madness. You are not to go down there and take her back! That's an order! We will get her back somehow but for now there's nothing you can do." Astéri said, his voice softening towards the end.

The primordials flashed out causing Ambrose to angrily stomp out, leaving speechless demigods sitting in the amphitheater. As soon as Ambrose walked into their makeshift cabin, he went straight to his room. The other Alphas looked at each other before shaking their heads and going back to watching television. Ambrose soon walked out of his room, a small pouch attached to his hip. He left the cabin without another word.

"Distract him." Perseus ordered the Minotaur while looking into black mist, watching the commander walking through the forest.

The Minotaur grunted and left. In the black mist, Perseus could clearly see the sun. He smirked and continued watching.

"What are you smirking about?" Thalia asked, walking up to him and making herself comfortable on his lap.

"He won't make it. He can't save her." Perseus said, the dangerous smirk present on his lips.

"Shame." Thalia said nonchalantly.

Ambrose' POV
How could Astéri tell me to not go? She's his commander for his sake. He should have flashed down to Tartarus, beat Perseus' ass and bring her back. But nooo, he told me to leave it alone, that he'll find another way to get her back. Orders or not, I'm going down there and getting her back. Perseus is nothing but a show pony, all talk. He's no match for me. I'm not trying to sound arrogant but I seriously doubt he could beat me. The only person to even come close to beating me is Arianna.


Third person POV
Ambrose jerked his head to the right, where the sound came from. He scanned the trees and bushes while drawing out his sword. A few minutes passed and nothing happened. As Ambrose was about to sheath his sword, a figure stepped out from behind two trees. Ambrose narrowed his eyes and felt his nose crinkle at the horrible stench. The Minotaur roared deafeningly and charged towards him, axe held high. As the Minotaur neared the commander, it sliced it's axe downwards aiming for the middle. At the last minute, Ambrose rolled out from under the axe and thrusted his sword upwards. With a roar, the beast dissolved into gold dust.

"That wasn't much of a challenge." Ambrose murmured with an eyebrow raised.

He shrugged and trekked his way towards the entrance to hell, which was located somewhere in this big, big forest thanks to the gods. Ambrose sighed, 'This is going to take awhile.'

"Hmm, guess I didn't need to send anyone." Perseus said, eyebrow raised.

Perseus watched Ambrose walk around aimlessly for a few more minutes before leaving to his personal training room.

Time skip
"My king, he is on his way to the palace. And the queen wishes to speak to you." A servant said timidly.

Perseus wiped off his sweat and dismissed the servant. With a snap of his fingers, he was changed and refreshed and now standing in his throne room. He looked around and saw Thalia sitting leisurely in his throne.

"You wanted to see me, love?" Perseus asked.

"Yep, it's done." Thalia said.

"Great, we'll put it to the test later." Perseus said.

At Ambrose
Ambrose looked around wearily as he walked towards the huge palace. His sword was out as he cautiously opened the throne room doors. As he stepped into the throne room, a shiver travelled up his spine. He whipped around when the doors suddenly slammed shut. When he turned back around, his eyes landed on the dark figure sitting on the throne. Ambrose narrowed his eyes and stepped forward.

"Give her back." He growled, pointing his sword at the figure.

"I must say, you are quite determined to get her back." The figure said, sitting forward, showing his blood red eyes.

Ambrose glared at him and said nothing.

"Nothing to say huh? Alright then, let's get to it. Do you surrender yourself in exchange for the girl?" Perseus asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Never in a million years will I surrender. I'm taking her back." Ambrose said.

Perseus snapped his fingers and a limp body appeared next to him.

"Shame. Tell you what, I'll do you a solid. If you can get to her, she's all yours." Perseus said, snapping his fingers once more.

As Ambrose was about to step forward, a row of monsters appeared between him and Perseus. There was the Hydra, Minotaur, Chimera and the Nemean Lion. The Hydra snapped at him but Ambrose jumped back to avoid getting his head bitten off. In his moment of stupidity and hastiness, Ambrose cut off all the Hydra heads with a quick slice of his sword. As he was advancing onto his next opponent, heads started popping out from the cut Hydra necks. Ambrose's eyes widen at realization and he mentally scolded himself for his idiocy. His unoccupied hand suddenly caught on fire but instead of a normal red flame, it was a brilliant white. The Hydra hesitated when it saw the flame. Nevertheless, it charged.

Ambrose rolled to the side and the Hydra charged past him. His sword quickly came down on the hydra's exposed neck. Once the head was dislodged, Ambrose immediately threw a ball of flame onto the nub. Ambrose quickly did the same to the rest of its head and the monster was down in three minutes. Ambrose stepped forwards and met with his next opponent, the Minotaur.

The Minotaur roared and retrieved its axe from sheath, that was on its back. Ambrose stood still and waited for the beast to charge. When it did, he waited till the very last moment to dodge. Mid-charge, Ambrose stabbed his sword into the Minotaur's calf. The bull-man roared in agony and swatted the commander to the side. Ambrose got up shakily and rushed towards the beast.

Time skip
Perseus smirked as he watched the commander battle his Nemean Lion. He cast his gaze down to his wrist and his smirk widened. When he looked back up, Ambrose was standing victoriously over the lion. Ambrose strode forward towards his partner and Perseus teleported himself over to the other end of the room. Ambrose cut the chains with his sword and gently shook Arianna.

"Ria?" He said softly, standing her up.

His eyebrows furrowed with worry when she didn't respond. Her head raised up slowly to meet his eyes. He gasped as her eyes flashed a dark red. His body suddenly felt like lead. He slowly looked down and saw something protruding from his body. He looked back up to see a smirking face. He stumbled back as she withdrew the small blade.

"I told you she's all yours. But it looks like she doesn't want to be." Perseus said, walking up to them.

"Aria...please you have to fight it. Don't do this." Ambrose pleaded.

Perseus frowned, "I never understood why they always say that. It's not like it has any effect whatsoever."

"Arianna. Come on. I know you, you don't want to do this." Ambrose said, his gaze locked onto her.

"Don't bother." Perseus snapped his fingers, "She won't fall for your trickery. She knows your the enemy." He smirks.

Suddenly, Ambrose's body slumped forward, out cold. Behind him stood Arianna. Perseus nodded at her.

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