Chap 4 - The Mission

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Third person POV
The seven were trudging towards the entrance to Tartarus. The entrance was their only way out besides the doors of death and since the doors of death involved someone staying behind, they went with the other option. The one thing they didn't account for was that they needed to get the Lord of the Underworld's assent to venture through the land of the dead. They intended to just sneak around the place and get back to the surface but Hades' eyes around the Underworld delayed them. Currently, they were being escorted, by Alecto, to the palace. Hades was sitting on the throne, holding hands and chatting idly with his wife who was sitting besides him. The seven walked in confused as ever, as they knew Persephone hated Hades but the scene in front them said otherwise.

Chad cleared his throat, interrupting the godly chat. Hades glared at the boy for interrupting them.

Chad, stupid as ever, said, "Uncle, I request that you let us pass through the Underworld."

Hades was close to incinerating the boy for his insolence.

"Calm down dear. Remember what you promised." Persephone soothed her raging husband.

"Of course dear." Hades responded, calming down instantly.

"I thought you hated each other?" Jason asked the question that was in everyone's mind.

"It was until we accepted help from our nephew, son and daughter." Persephone responded.

"I don't remember helping you." Chad said, furrowing his eyebrows.

"How dare you assume it was you!" Hades yelled.

Chad almost peed his pants. Shadows started accumulating and whipping in a corner and all eyes turned. Out stepped Perseus and Thalia with disheveled hair and beside them Nico and Bianca stepped out.

"How dare you traitors show your faces to us!" Chad shouted, drawing his sword.

But his sword was immediately blasted away by Hades' dark energy blast.

"You side with them, Uncle?!" Chad said, astonished.

"IT IS LORD HADES TO YOU, BOY! My children and nibling (it's a real word. Look it up) are welcomed in the underworld anytime." Hades shouted at the boy.

Perseus turned to Persephone, "You called, Aunt Sephy?"

"Yes. I believe you wanted them." She replied.

Perseus grinned maliciously at the seven demigods and snapped his fingers. Once the disorientation passed, the seven could see that they were standing in the middle of a colosseum with monsters of all shapes and sizes sitting in the stands, cheering and booing.

"Monsters!" Perseus yelled.

All the noise stopped and attention shifted to the standing man.

"I'll make a deal with you. You will face seven monsters. Each monster you beat, you get a point. By the end of the fight, IF you have more points, I'll let you go. Easy as that." He said to the demigods.

The seven looked at each other and an agreement passed.

"Deal!" Chad shouted.

The monsters roared with delight at the words. Perseus smirked and sat on his throne in the stands.

"Any volunteers?" Perseus directed at the eager monsters.

Immediately all hands went up and Perseus leisurely looked them over until finally he chose one.

"You! Big guy!" Perseus said, pointing at a cyclops.

The cyclops grinned maniacally and gripped his club.

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