Chapter 1: The Phone Call

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"That's a wrap for today! Great job, Laura! Now go home and rest because we have another long day of recording tomorrow!" Dave, my audio engineer announces.

"Thanks Dave! See you tomorrow!" I reply as I step out the door to the recording booth. "Have a good night!"

He smiles warmly at me and replies with a small chuckle, "You too. Make sure to get some sleep tonight. We don't want you falling asleep on us tomorrow."

"I will. Thanks again Dave. See you tomorrow." I say and start to walk out the door after grabbing my purse. I wave to Dave before I shut the door behind me.

"See ya!" He shouts as the door closes behind me. I make my way out of the building and head to my car, ready to go home after a long day at the studio.

Before I drive home, I check my phone to see if I have any messages and see I have one from my best friend, Raini, telling me how excited she is to see me next week at the R5 concert. Raini, Calum, and I are all planning to surprise Ross at his LA concert next week because his band is releasing their EP called 'New Addictions' next Friday and we're all so happy and proud of him.

I quickly text her back telling her I'm excited to see her and Calum next week and then begin the drive back to my house so I can get ready for bed. Maybe I'll watch a movie before I go to sleep since it is still pretty early into the night.

I arrive home about 10 minutes later and I get greeted by my dog Velvet as soon as I walk in the door.

"Hey girl! Did you have a good day without me here?" I ask her while petting her head. She just looks at me and wags her tail, happy that I'm home.

After petting and refilling up Velvet's water bowl in the kitchen I head upstairs to go take a shower. A nice hot shower sounds so good after my long day of recording. As much as I enjoy music and recording my album it does take up a lot of time and effort. It gets exhausting.

I gather up an oversized t-shirt and some athletic shorts that are comfortable enough to sleep in and start for the door to go to the bathroom when suddenly I hear my phone begin to ring, stopping my actions.

"Who could that be?" I ask out loud.

I pick up my phone and look at the caller ID to see if it's someone important or just one of those automated calls from like Mexico or something. The name that appears on the screen shocks me. I haven't spoken to Ross in a few months. Why would he be calling? Maybe he just wants to catch up or something although I've always been the one to call him in the past.

I quickly answer the phone assuming that I'm probably overreacting.

"Hello?" I ask more hesitatingly than I meant to be.

"Laura? Oh thank goodness you answered. I really need to talk to you about something." He replies back quickly and urgently.

"Oh. Um, yeah of course, Ross. What's up? Is something wrong? Are you okay?" I ask concerned. He sounds really frantic. He's never frantic. It's worrying me.

His reply comes back very quickly, "No, I'm fine."

"Oh. Well then what's up?" I question.

"I need you to agree to do something with me. Please promise me you won't get mad at me when I tell you this." He says, slower this time, almost like he was speaking to a child.

"Um, I can't promise you I won't be mad. Especially when you're making this sound like something bad." I tell him truthfully.

"It's not that bad. I promise. Just promise you won't be mad. Please Laura?"

I let there be a moment of silence before I answer with obvious hesitation in my voice, "Okay. I promise."

He lets out an obvious sigh of relief before saying, "Good. Thank you Laura."

I sit down on my bed, waiting for him to continue and tell me why he called and why he sounds so frantic. After a couple of seconds he still hasn't said anything so I speak up.

"Ross, what exactly do you want me to not get mad at?"

"Well, I don't think you know this but Courtney and I broke up." He begins sounding a bit more confident than before.

"What! Ross I'm so sorry! I didn't know! What happened?" I exclaim in surprise. I thought he was really happy with Courtney. She's a really sweet girl.

"We just started to drift apart recently. She's been filming a few movies and I've been busy with music lately. It just wasn't working anymore." He says with a bit of hesitation in his voice. I guess he didn't want to talk about the break up.

"Oh I'm so sorry, Ross! I shouldn't have asked. You know I can't control my big mouth at times." I reply feeling guilty. I hope I didn't upset him.

"Laura it's fine. I'm okay. I just want to continue with my question." He says, seeming to be getting a bit annoyed.

"Okay. Sorry. Carry on."

"My manager has been looking for ways to help get more publicity for the band since our EP is coming out next week and she thought this break up was the perfect opportunity." He begins.

"The perfect opportunity for what?" I question unsure of where this was going.

"The perfect opportunity to bring Raura back."

Hey guys! The first chapter is here and completed and I'm really pretty proud of it! I hope you enjoy it! Give me your feedback!

I'm actually pretty shocked because I already have 2 votes and 2 people comment on just my author's note. They both seem really excited for this book so I hope they aren't disappointed.

Thank you @laurajanemarano and @eniyahep for being my first readers! I really appreciate it! This chapter is dedicated to both of you!

Chapter 2 is coming soon!

Published: May 6, 2017

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