Chapter 24: The Text Messages

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~3 Weeks Later~

I would love to be able to say that Ross and I talked about the kiss outside my house and we're a happy couple now. But I can't.

It didn't happen.

Do I even want us to be a happy couple? Like, for real, and not the fake happy couple we are now.

Just like our first off-screen kiss a few years ago, we haven't spoken about our recent kiss since it happened. It's driving me insane but I don't have enough guts to bring it up to Ross.

Lame, I know.

Ross called me the day after the kiss and I told him that I 'forgive him' about the whole fake dating Courtney situation. I wasn't even mad in the first place but he wouldn't stop apologizing until I 'forgave' him.

After that kiss, the Courtney thing seems like such old news.

Ross and I are still keeping up the fake dating act. For two weeks, we went out in public practically every day and showed so much PDA, I wouldn't be surprised if quite a lot Raura fans passed out every single day.

Yeah, there was a lot of PDA. After our kiss, Ross decided he was going to up the PDA level and kiss me whenever he wanted. Let's just say that he wanted to kiss me a lot. Most of those moments were caught on camera by one of Ross' siblings and posted to social media.

Rest In Peace, loyal Raura shippers.

Last week, Ross left for tour. I had actually forgotten that he was leaving until a few days right before he left. I don't how I could forget though, it was all that Ross could talk about for the weeks leading up to it.

With the 'New Addictions Tour' in full swing, I just now realized how much time Ross and I spent together. We were together literally every day for the last month or so. With him gone on tour, I realized how sad and lonely I am without him.

I need more friends. I'm pathetic.

Currently, Vanessa and I are in the kitchen making some spaghetti for dinner.

Technically, it's only 4 p.m. so it's more like a really late lunch but we got hungry.

I'm in charge of boiling the noodles while Vanessa starts on the sauce.

As I'm stirring the noodles I feel my phone buzz from my back pocket.

I finish stirring and I place the spoon on a plate next to the stove. Then, I grab my phone from my pocket to see who sent me a message.

I smile as I read the text from Ross

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I smile as I read the text from Ross. We text at least once a day whenever Ross has free time. Today must have been a really busy day because this is the first time I've heard from him since yesterday.

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