Chapter 5: The Studio

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"Don't touch any buttons you're not supposed to, don't touch any person you're not supposed to, you know what, don't touch anything. Don't eat all the food for lunch before 10 a.m., don't steal my food, don't make funny faces at me through the window, don't talk to everyone you see, some people are not very nice, and please don't embarrass me in any way." I have begun to list off all the things Ross should not do in the studio while we're walking into the building.

He stares at me blankly, "you realize I've been in a studio before right? We even did this together for Austin & Ally quite a few times."

"You've always been singing when you're in the studio. You haven't been watching. It's a different world from outside the recording booth." I state, pressing the button to summon the elevator.

He stays silent while the elevator doors open and we both step in. After the doors close again and I press the correct floor number button, he speaks up.

"Can I poke people?"

That causes me to roll my eyes. "No, Ross. You can't poke people."

"What about scaring them? Can I scare people?" He asks again.


He continues on as the elevator doors open and we walk out and he follows me as I lead the way to the recording booth.

"Can I throw a party?"

That one causes me to stop suddenly and spin around to face him.

"Why would you throw you a party?" I practically sigh. I knew this would be a bad idea.

"To celebrate!" He exclaims like I should have already known that.

"What are we celebrating?" I ask.

"My girlfriend creating her first album that's what." He doesn't put any emphasis on the word 'girlfriend' this time. I forgot we were in a public place and anyone could be listening.

"I don't need a party, Ross." I tell him.

"Everyone needs a party. All the time, everyday." He replies back immediately.

"Not today we don't."

" Aw come on, Laura! Your such a party pooper!" He almost shouts at me.

"There is no party to be pooped on so quiet down!" I whisper yell at him. There are other artists recording in this hallway right now.

"Ugh fine. Let's go to your recording booth." He states, walking forward and grabbing my hand in the process. He quickly intertwines our fingers and pulls me forward.

"You don't even know where you're going."

"I'll figure it out. Just yell stop when we get there." He tells me and continues walking with no hesitation at all.

We walk in front of a random door and I say, "Stop." He comes to a halt so abruptly that I run into his back.

He turns to look at the door and furrows his eyebrows. "This looks like the janitor's closet."

"It is. I just wanted to see if you would actually stop." I say beginning to laugh.

He rolls his eyes at me before saying, "Fine, I'll find the room myself."

I let him wander around and pull me with him for a while. It was amusing because he passed the door about 4 times. My name was even printed on the wall next to the door.

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