Chapter 21: The Truth

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"Laura! Stop pacing! You're creating a draft!" Vanessa yells at me from downstairs.

I can't stop pacing. I told Ross he could come over and now he'll be here any minute!

What. Was. I. Thinking?

There's no way he has anything positive to tell me. I could tell by the tone of his voice. What could possibly be so important about his past relationship with Courtney? What am I gonna supposedly "hate" him for?

Oh no. What if she has this secret plan to kill me and Ross was just dating her to stop her? Now that they broke up, she's coming for me!

Okay, what am I thinking? I'm just getting nervous. There's no way Ross would let her kill me.

I hope.

"Laura! Seriously, stop pacing!" Vanessa yells again.

I don't respond. I'm too nervous to speak. What am I going to do when Ross gets here?

I'm lost in my thoughts when I hear the doorbell. I freeze. What?! There's no way he can be here already!

I hear Vanessa open the door. I still haven't moved from my frozen position.

"Hey Ross! I didn't know you were coming over." I hear Vanessa say in a surprised tone. Crap, I knew I forgot to do something.

"Hey Vanessa. I didn't know you were back from New York. Is Laura here?" Ross asks quickly. He sounds nervous. That doesn't help my own nerves at all.

"Yeah, she's upstairs." Vanessa replies, "Laura! Ross is here to see you!"

I still don't move. I don't want to go down there. I don't want to know what Ross has to tell me. Why did I even agree to him coming over?

"Laura!" Vanessa shouts again.

"It's okay, Vanessa. I can go up there instead." Ross says. Oh no.

I want to run. I want to jump out of the window just to escape this situation. But even when Ross' footsteps get closer to my bedroom, I can't force myself to move from my frozen position.

I think I probably freaked myself out too much. How bad could this possibly be?

Before Ross enters the room, I quickly snap out my frozen state and rush to my bed, grabbing my iPad. I pretend to be sitting there doing something productive when really I'm just staring at the home screen.

I feel his presence before I see him. He stands in the doorway for a few moments and that's when I finally look up at him. He's already looking at me. I can see the nervousness in his facial expression.

Well this is gonna be bad.

Without speaking, he slowly makes his way into the room and sits down on the edge of my bed. I put my iPad down beside me and I pull my legs up to my chest to create as much distance between us as possible.

He lets out a sigh before he turns to face me and begins to speak.

"Laura, you're not going to like what I'm about to tell you." He says softly.

This is already off to a great start.

I don't say anything, I don't think I could even if I tried. He continues to speak after my silence.

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