Chapter 4: The Next Morning

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The rest of that night consisted of us watching old movies. We watched pretty much whatever we could find. Most of them were pretty bad but it was all worth it because after a while Ross started making up his own lines to make the movies seem more interesting.

Then he spent the night.

I almost kicked him out. Almost. But he was already half asleep on the couch so I just let him be. Besides, it not like we've never had sleepovers before. We used to do this all the time.

When we woke up the next morning, my head was on his chest, his arms were wrapped around my back, and our legs were intertwined. It was a really comfortable position so I continued to lay there and wait for Ross to wake up.

About an hour or so later, I felt him start to stir. His grip loosened from around me and he reached one hand up to push his hair back since it had fallen in his face while he was sleeping.

"Morning, Laur." He said groggily, his morning voice making me smile slightly. His eyes were half open since he wasn't used to the light flooding in through the windows yet.

"Morning." I reply, reaching up to move a piece of hair out of his face that had fallen since he pushed it back.

"Do you have somewhere you need to be today?" He asks me, still laying down. Neither of us have moved yet.

"Yeah. I have to go back to the studio today." I tell him. I look at the clock on the wall where I had strategically placed it to be seen from most sides of the room. "I have to be there in an hour."

"I'll take you," he starts, his hand making its way to my hair as he starts to twirl a piece around his finger, "I don't have anywhere to be today anyways."

"Really? You don't have any interviews? Your EP is coming out next week." I tell him, surprised. He doesn't have anything to do today?

"Nope. The only thing I have to accomplish today is successfully dropping my girlfriend off at the studio today." He says putting emphasis on the word 'girlfriend'.

I smile at his gesture, "you don't have to do that."

He scoffs at me, "what kind of boyfriend doesn't take his girlfriend where she needs to go?"

"The fake kind who doesn't care about his fake girlfriend." I state.

"Well I'm the fake kind who does care about his fake girlfriend. Now go upstairs and get ready. You now have about 50 minutes to get ready. I'll make breakfast." He tells me giving me a slight push towards the stairs.

I start walking forward when all of a sudden the thought hits me.

"Ross," I call out, "you can't cook."

"I know." I hear him call back.

"Then how.." I pause for a moment, "never mind, carry on. Don't burn the house down."

"Aye, aye, Captain." I hear come from the kitchen. I roll my eyes, silently praying that he won't actually try to cook and instead he'll just grab some pop tarts or something.

I don't need to shower because I took one last night. Plus I wouldn't have enough time to blow dry my hair anyways. I quickly grab a nice maroon colored shirt, dark blue jeans, and some maroon colored high heels. After I dress myself I head into the bathroom to brush my teeth, do my makeup, and quickly curl my hair.

After I finish, I head downstairs to make sure Ross didn't blow up the microwave or something. I'm pleasantly surprised to see that he managed to put together some sandwiches.

"Wow! This looks better than I expected!" I exclaim. He has his head in the fridge looking for something so he doesn't hear me come in. Apparently I scared him because he jumped back really quickly hitting his head on the fridge door in the process.

I burst out laughing at the scene. He turns around and glares at me. "Ow! Laura, it's not funny! That hurt!"

"That's what makes it funny!" I continue laughing making him pout like a little kid.

"Lauraaaa. Stop laughing." He pretends to be sad but I can see the small smile appearing. That only makes me laugh harder.

I finally calm down after a good couple minutes of hysterical laughing and finally look at Ross who has decided to start eating without me.

"So what did you make me to eat, boyfriend?" I question sitting down at the table. I want to know if what I'm about to put in my mouth is actually edible.

"Well, girlfriend, I found some croissants on the counter, cut them in half like bread and then took some ham and cheese from the fridge to put in between the pieces of bread to make it like a sandwich. Then I got you some gogurt." He points to the gogurt sitting on the table beside me that I didn't even notice.

"Aw! Ross you're the best fake boyfriend ever! This looks amazing!" I compliment his ability to make a good meal without breaking anything or catching it on fire. I'm honestly impressed. Maybe he's hiding something from me that I'll find later. I'll have to search the kitchen really well later. I'm not about to be blamed by my parents for something Ross broke.

"You're welcome, Laur. Now hurry up and eat. We have about 10 minutes before we have to be outta here. You were laughing at me for forever." He says making a hand motion at me to hurry up.

I eat as quickly as I can and then we quickly put our plates in the sink and run some water on them. I'll wash them properly later but if we don't leave I'm going to be late.

I grab my purse and my keys before pushing Ross out the door. He almost trips on his way out the door which almost causes me to burst out laughing again but I restrain myself. I quickly lock the front door behind me and follow Ross to his car. Once we're both buckled up, safety first, Ross begins to back out of the driveway.

We begin driving when suddenly Ross speaks up from beside me. "Hey can I come into the studio with you today?"

"Uh, why? Don't you have errands to run or something? I still think you're lying about not having anything to do."

He shrugs, "I wanna see you sing. I love watching you. You're cute when you're so deep in concentration." He pauses and smiles at me before quickly looking back at the road and continuing,"and no, I really don't have anything to do today. Plus, a guy has to support his girlfriend in what she does at all times doesn't he?"

I smile at him and say words that I'll probably regret in about an hour.

"Okay. You can come in with me today."

Hey guys!
I made the chapter a bit longer for you today. I got a little carried away and couldn't find a good stopping point.
I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Ps. If anyone wants to make a new really cool cover for this story please do and send it my way! I would love to see them!

Give me your feedback! I love reading it!

Chapter 5 coming soon. 💕

Published: May 8, 2017

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