Chapter 8: The Public Announcement

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"I tried to warn you."

"You should've tried harder." I tell Ross.

We just left the Lynch's house after dinner. Do you remember when I said that it might be a long night? Well, this night has lasted an eternity. I think I've aged 10 years since I arrived about 2 hours ago.

Since the Lynches think that Raura has actually happened and Rocky claims that 'Ross has finally set his secret love for me free', they have officially decided that I'm gonna with Ross forever and that I'm gonna become a Lynch one day. That being said, they have decided to start treating me like a Lynch. I agreed with the idea when they asked for my permission to 'become' a Lynch because what could be so bad about it? I thought I was already being treated like family.


I was very wrong.

I had no idea that being a family member in that family meant that they would literally treat me like how they treat each other. Suddenly I was becoming a Lynch sibling in less than a minute.

In case you're wondering, being a Lynch means you get tackled at every possible opportunity. It means you get random things, including food, thrown at you at random times. It means that they lay all over you while you're sitting on the couch. Or on a chair. Or on the floor.

Ross even stopped them from pouring water on my head and getting a pie thrown in my face because Ryland and Rocky couldn't decide who should get the last piece. I honestly didn't think I was gonna make it out of there alive.

Ross got us out of there right as they began wrestling over the TV remote claiming that he was 'drop me off at home and come back' but I think he's secretly mad at them for being so rough on me. He'll probably stay the night at my house again tonight.

"I'm sorry they were so harsh. I told them to go easy on you and I honestly think they were trying but I can tell it was bothering you a lot." He apologizes as he drives to my house.

It gets worse!? How is that even possible?

"Its okay." I simply reply, not voicing my inner thoughts.

"Do you have something to do today?" I ask Ross the next morning. As expected, he stayed the night again. He told me that he didn't want to drive back home so late but I could tell he was still slightly upset with his family.

"Yeah, we have a few interviews for the EP today? Wanna come? I heard Dave tell you earlier that you didn't have to come in to the studio today." That's true. Dave gave me a call this morning to change the time that I needed to come in but when he heard Ross singing in the background he immediately said I could have a day off and hung up.

"Yeah sure." I reply. "What time do we need to leave?"

"We're here with R5!" The interviewer, Sarah, exclaimed. "We're going to be talking to them about their new EP that's coming out next week!"

She starts asking them questions from the cards placed in her lap and I begin taking pictures from behind the curtains on the side of the stage. Ross gave me his camera before he went out telling me to take good pictures for him. I don't why he would want pictures from this angle but I have to admit that they look pretty cool. That's something I've always liked about Ross. We both have a love for photography as well as music and acting. It just makes our friendship stronger.

I focus my attention back to the interview as a specific question catches my eye.

"So Ross how are you and your girlfriend? We haven't seen any Rourtney pictures lately." The rest of the band starts to snicker while Ross sits up straighter. Here it goes. We both agreed on the drive here that if Ross was asked about his relationship then he would tell them that we were 'dating'.

"Well it's kind of a long story." Ross begins. "Courtney and I broke up."

A mixture of gasps and some small cheers come from the audience.

"Really? Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't know!" Sarah exclaims obviously shocked. I don't think anyone expected this. Ha. They don't even know what's coming.

"It's okay. It wasn't really working out anyways. I've actually got a new girlfriend now." Ross tells her. More gasps come from the audience.

"Mind if I ask who this new girlfriend is?" Sarah asks.

Ross chuckles a little and the Lynches all get that creepy smile on their faces again. How do they do that?

"I'll tell you but it might blow your mind." Ross tells her. I can tell that everyone is sitting on the edge of their seats. This is it. This is the moment that every Raura shipper has been waiting years for.

"My new girlfriend is Laura Marano."

Complete and utter silence fills the room.

Heyy guys!
Sorry that this chapter is a bit shorter. I didn't have much detail to put into it.

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

This book has over 200 views now and it makes me so happy because this book hasn't even been published for a whole week yet!

There's 3 hours until 'New Addictions' comes out where I live!! I saw that it's already out in Japan and I'm so jealous.

Give me your feedback! I love reading it!

Chapter 9 coming soon! 💕

Published: May 11, 2017

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