Chapter 31: The Movie

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"What kind of a deal?" Ross asks.

"I was just contacted by a producer and he has specifically requested for you to play the main male role in a new movie he's developing," Betsy explains.

Ross turns and gives me a confused look before turning back to face his phone that he placed on the table in front of us, "what does that have to do with my relationship with Laura?"

"Oh yes, he told me that he was still deciding who he wanted to play the main female role in the film. So, I mentioned Laura's name and told him about how you two worked together on Austin & Ally. Chuck, the director, then decided that you two would be the perfect actors to play the main characters in his new movie."

Ross and I sit in silence, waiting for the catch. We already knew that Betsy wasn't about to make it that easy.

"With that being said, I personally don't believe that you two would be able to stand to work together now that you're a couple." She says.

"You're wrong." Ross snaps back immediately.

"Am I?" Betsy asks, "how about we make a deal?"

"Isn't that what we're having this conversation for?" Ross states, rudely.

I hit him in the shoulder to warn him to drop the attitude.

"Indeed, Ross, if you and Laura can make it through shooting this movie without majorly fighting and/or breaking up, I'll allow you to continue your relationship in peace the way you want. I won't interfere or try and control your relationships anymore." Betsy explains, calmly.

Ross turns and makes eye contact with me. I slightly shrug and then nod my head at him. He smiles slightly, reaches over to grab my hand, turns back face his phone, and speaks.



"Are you serious? I can't believe you just said that." I yell, waving my hands around animatedly as the words fly out of my mouth.

"It's true isn't it? I was right, wasn't I?" He shouts back with a murderous look in his eyes.

I feel tears begin to form in my eyes and I look down to try and keep him from noticing, "This is unbelievable. You're unbelievable."

He scoffs, "Me? You're the one who is in love with another man while you're supposedly dating me."

"And CUT! That was amazing, guys. Great work!"

Ross walks over to me and plants a kiss on my cheek. "Great job, babe. That was honestly really believable. If that had been real I actually would've thought you were in love with someone else."

"Aww thanks, Ross. I haven't acted in quite a while so I love that we get to film this movie together." I reply.

He lightly chuckles and grabs my hand as we walk off the set.

The director, Chuck, walks up to us as we walk to the snack table. "Ross, Laura, I don't know why that manager thought that you two couldn't work together because your chemistry on-screen is just as flawless as your off-screen chemistry. I love working with both of you."

Ross let's go of my hand to shake Chuck's "Thanks Chuck, we both love being here."

"Let's take a fifteen minute break and then we'll film the next scene." He tells Ross and I. Then, he turns around and repeats that message to the rest of the cast and crew in the room.


"No, wait. I didn't mean that. Don't leave." He pleads, reaching out to grab my upper arm.

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