Chapter 7: The Dinner

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"You don't even know how excited my mom is that you're coming to dinner. She hasn't seen you in forever. She won't stop texting me telling me to 'hurry up she needs to see her daughter from another mother' so you better prepare yourself to be attacked by hugs when we get there." Ross tells me as we drive to his parent's house about 50 minutes later.

I squeal in excitement, "I'm so excited! I haven't seen your parents or siblings in forever!"

"My siblings don't even know that you're coming yet so prepare yourself for that too." Ross warns me, a boyish grin appearing on his face.

I playfully roll my eyes although the smile never leaves my face. I've missed the Lynch's so much. And Ellington. I've missed him too even though he isn't a Lynch. I used to see them all the time but I've only seen them a few times since Austin & Ally ended.

"It's gonna be worse though, Laura. I told them all that you're my girlfriend so they're probably gonna tease you more than usual." He tells me.

"Ross it's fine. I can handle it. They used to tease us about Raura all the time." I say.

"But they think that Raura has actually happened. They all literally flipped out when I told them that we were dating. You should've been there." He says chuckling.

I smile to myself. I wish I would've been there. The Lynch's sure do know how to create a scene. Both good and bad. In this case there would've been a lot of excitement so it would have been very entertaining to watch.

We still have about 5 minutes before we reach our destination and I have nothing else to say so I reach up and turn the radio on. What begins playing kind of shocks me. I realize that Ross has the stereo synced to his phone and it's playing the song he last had on. I smile when I hear my song, 'Boombox' flow through the speakers.

"Aw, Ross! You're playing my song!" I exclaim, playfully wiping away fake tears with my fingers. "I'm so proud of you. You have perfect taste in music. This is exactly what I want in a man." I joke sarcastically.

"You already know that I have perfect taste in music and your single is perfection so of course I'd be listening to it." He says before turning up the volume. The rest of the way to his parent's house, we both jam out to 'Boombox', singing it at the top of our lungs.
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"Laura!" I hear being yelled as soon as I walk in the doorway. I'm soon crushed in a group hug by all the Lynch's and Ellington. Even Mark joined in on the hug.

"Wow guys. Thanks for all the love." I hear come from behind me.

Ryland pulls away from the hug first and turns to Ross. "We see you everyday, bro. We never see Laura anymore. We've missed the munchkin."

"Hey!" I exclaim before jokingly shoving him. "I am not a munchkin!"

"Laura! I didn't know you were coming! I've missed you so much! How have you been? What have you been up to? Other than dating my brother that is." Rydel asks me excitedly after I'm released from the group hug.

"Rydel! I've missed you so much too! I've been great! I'm almost done with my album! How have you been?" I reply with just as much excitement.

"I'm great too! I'm so excited for our EP release next week! You're gonna love it! I'm so happy you're here!" She exclaims all in one breath. Impressive.

"I know! I've heard all the previews and they're amazing! Ross said he's gonna show me the whole thing after dinner." I tell her.

"You're gonna love it, Laura. My little babies are so talented." I turn my head at the voice and reach out to give Stormie a big hug.

"Stormie! It's so good to see you!" I tell the woman who's like another mother to me. "I can't wait to hear it!"

I stay and chat with them for a while before Rocky starts complaining that he's ready to eat. "I know Laura's here and we haven't seen her in forever and all that but can we at least do this while stuffing our faces?" We all laugh and head into the dining room where Stormie has set up the table beautifully. It's also loaded with food. So much that I don't know if we'll all be able to fit at the table. Good thing there's a lot of boys, or shall I say men, here with never ending stomachs. This food will probably all be gone in half an hour flat.

We all take our seats around the table. I find myself seated with Ross on my left and Rydel on my right. Everyone passes around the food as light conversation breaks out among the table.

It's not long before the awaited subject that seems to have been avoided until this point makes it way into the conversation.

"So," Riker starts. "What's this I hear about Raura actually happening? Tell us the truth Laura. We wanna know if Ross was lying about the whole dating thing."

I laugh a little before replying. "He wasn't lying. It's true. Raura has finally happened."

"Hallelujah!" We all turn towards the source of the voice; Stormie. "I didn't think you two were ever gonna admit your feelings for each other! It's been obvious all these years. See Mark, I told you it would happen."

I feel my face go red as Mark nods before laughing slightly and adding, "It's about time!"

Ross grabs my hand from under the table and intertwines our fingers. "Guys, stop. You're embarrassing her."

I just laugh before squeezing his hand, "It's fine. I've missed this family so much. I can take a little teasing. I haven't heard it in so long. It's actually pretty refreshing if I'm being honest." I tell everyone honestly.

He smiles at me and shrugs a little. "Okay but it's only gonna get worse." He warns.

I look up and see everyone at the table giving Ross and I creepy smiles.

This might be a long night.

Hey guys!
I was so excited to write this chapter that once I started I couldn't stop. I was also full of ideas so this didn't take long at all to write. It's so much fun to write with all the Lynch's and Ellington.

I hope this chapter makes up for last chapter. It wasn't very exciting, I know.

Shoutout to me for updating twice in one day. Actually, in less than 2 hours!

Give me your feedback! I love this chapter and wanna know what you all think!

Chapter 8 coming soon! 💕

Published: May 10, 2017

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