Chapter 9: The Reactions

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I added the 'If' music video if you want to listen to it while reading or if you just wanna watch the awesome video again!
The room was completely silent. It was so quiet you could probably hear a feather hit the ground. I don't know if this is a good kind of silence or the exact opposite. I'm not sure whether cheers are about to erupt across the room or a riot.

Suddenly, Riker starts laughing uncontrollably. That causes the rest of the Lynches, including Ross, to start giggling. Soon Ratliff joins Riker in laughter and Rydel does immediately after. I can tell Rocky is trying his best to keep a straight face. Eventually Ross joins in on the laughter which then causes Rocky to join as well.

"Wow! I was not expecting this!" Ratliff suddenly exclaims, still laughing. "I was expecting tons of screams and crying but not total silence! It's like you all died from shock!"

Riker nods quickly in agreement, laughing too hard to actually speak words.

I can't keep the smile off my face. The Lynch's laughter is contagious. I'm surprised the audience hasn't begun laughing yet. In fact they haven't done anything. As I look around the room I see that most fans have their mouths dropped open, or their eyes are wide. They all seem to not know what to do. This is weird. Aren't they happy? This is what they've been waiting for for years. Even Sarah seems to be shocked as she is not moving. I'm pretty sure she hasn't blinked since the words fell out of Ross' mouth.

I decide to take a couple pictures of this moment. This is priceless! We will definitely want to remember the speechless looks on everyone's faces long after this moment has ended. How is the audience still so quiet? They haven't moved for a couple minutes.

"Seriously!?" A teenage girl from the third room suddenly squeals, standing up quickly.

Ross nods still slightly chuckling. The girl is quiet for a moment, as if soaking in his response before she begins to scream. Literally. Then the rest of the audience starts to cheer and they all stand up, like they were giving a standing ovation.

"Is she here?" I hear a girl in the corner ask.

"Yeah! Is Laura here too?" Another girl questions.

Ross nods again, smiling. "Yes. She's backstage right now."

Great. This means I'll have to go out there. Good thing I dressed up for this. I knew there was the high possibility that someone would want me to come on stage.

The fans start screaming more and yell for me to come out. Ross looks backstage and finds my eyes with his own. He raises his hand in the air and motions for me to come out. So I do.

There isn't anymore room on the couch that they're sitting on since there is already five of them squished on one sofa. Ross immediately grabs my hand and pulls me down to sit on his lap. He wraps his arms around my waist and rests his hands on my stomach before pulling me back so my back rests against his chest. I automatically place both of my hands on his. I'm not sure why but I felt the need to. It's almost like I knew I would need to hold onto him for some reason.

He takes one of his hands and intertwines his fingers with mine before resting both of our hands on my stomach again.

I smile at the audience and lift my hand not intertwined with Ross' and wave before placing my hand back on top of Ross'.

The audience has only gotten louder since I've come out. I didn't think they could get any louder but they did. Ross places his head on my shoulder causing the screams to multiple even more!

Since we can't say anything over the noise. We just sit there for a while. As the screams of happy fan girls starts to decrease, the haters can finally be heard.

"Why are you dating her? She's so ugly!" One fan screams.

"Courtney is much more talented than her!" Another one screams.

Although I get hate all the time and I'm used to it, I'm still getting a bit uncomfortable. Plus it's never been this much all at one time before. This is intense.

Ross must somehow be starting to sense this because he begins to rub his thumb in circles on my stomach. He places a few kisses on my neck and shoulder that help me calm down a little. I can feel the frown on his face as he continues to place kisses on my shoulder every couple of seconds.

Sarah has snapped out of her shocked state and is frantically trying to get the crowd to calm down but they won't listen. The hate comments begin to get louder from the Rourtney shippers and they begin throwing their personal items at me. This makes the Raura shippers angry and they start yelling back at the Rourtney shippers to stop. Soon security guards start to come out beginning to surround the audience. They begin pulling apart fighting girls who have tackled each other and begin attempting to herd everyone out of the building.

The hate comments only seem to increase and they replay over and over in my mind. It's never been this bad before. I begin to notice my breath quicken and Ross' grip around my waist suddenly tightens. Within seconds I feel myself being lifted off of Ross' lap and I feel like I'm being carried somewhere. I feel numb. I think I feel myself being placed on a couch and suddenly I hear what sounds like a familiar voice.

"Laura, calm down. It's okay. You're okay."

A hand begins to stroke my hair and I slowly feel my breathing start to slow down, the comments in my mind starting to disappear. I notice that there are tears rolling down my face. I also notice the fingers that are gently wiping away each tear they can get. I open my eyes just a little to see the only person I want to see right now.


"You're okay, baby. You're okay." He whispers, kissing the top of my head.

Hey guys!
I hope you enjoy this chapter! It completely took a different turn then what I originally had planned. But when I was writing this is what my fingers typed.

Give me your feedback! Recommended this story to all of your Wattpad buddies if you love it. I mean you don't have to but I would really appreciate it.

P.S. Who else is literally dying over 'New Addictions'? My mom told me that 'Need You Tonight' is actually a remake of a song from the 80s or something and she started singing every word. It was amazing!

What's your favorite song from the EP? Mine are 'If' and 'Need You Tonight' but 'Red Velvet' is high up there too!

Chapter 10 coming soon! 💕

Published: May 12, 2017

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