Chapter 3: The Rules

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Did he really think I was actually gonna leave the door unlocked? I was in the shower! I don't want some creep breaking into my house!

After my shower, I came downstairs only to hear someone beating on my door. I immediately knew it was Ross when I suddenly heard a voice shout, "Laura, if you're in there ignoring me on purpose I swear I will break down your door and steal all the gogurt from your fridge and throw it out the window."

Rolling my eyes, I make my way over to the door and quickly open it making the banging sound stop and making Ross almost fall in the floor in surprise from the door opening so suddenly.

"You wouldn't do that." I tell him smugly, amused at his shocked state.

He quickly recovers and replies back with a smirk, "yes I would and you know it."

"No, you wouldn't. You love me too much." I smile up at him. He's still tall and I'm still short. Actually I'm pretty sure he's gotten even taller.

"Hm. Maybe I'd hesitate a little bit," he starts before leaning down and kissing my cheek quickly, "no, I'd definitely throw your gogurt out the window. It would be revenge for you making me stand out there banging on the door for 10 minutes. I thought you were dead."

"I was in the shower! Did you really think I was gonna leave the door unlocked and give some creep the opportunity to waltz into my house!?" I exclaim.

"The only person who would come in would be me."

"You don't know that. There's a lot of creepy people in the world." I state.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Now come give me a hug. I haven't seen you in forever." He holds out his arms awaiting my presence to enter them.

I quickly step into them and wrap my my arms around his torso, giving him a 'bear' hug. His arms go around my back and he rests his chin on top of my head.

We stand for a long time. I'm not exactly how long we stood there, just enjoying each other's presence. I tighten my grip on him not wanting him to let go even though he doesn't seem to want to release me yet.

I'm glad that this isn't awkward. Especially after the phone conversation we just had about half an hour ago. Maybe this deal won't be as hard as I thought it would be. We did play a couple on Austin & Ally and we pulled that off perfectly. In fact we didn't even rehearse most of our Auslly scenes.

"I've missed you, Laur." He whispers into my hair. It was so soft I almost didn't hear it.

"I've missed you too, Ross." I feel him move his hands down to my waist and he gives me a quick squeeze before completely pulling away from me.

"Come on. Let's talk about this crazy situation we just got ourselves into." He walks over to the couch and I follow silently behind him. I'm confused by his sudden calmness. Over the phone he seemed so flustered and now he seems perfectly fine. I thought he would be more worried about this than he is. Deep down inside I'm freaking out about how we're even going to be able to pull this off. But Ross seems to be okay with this. Almost like he's done this before.

He plops himself down on the couch and I sit down next to him but apparently that wasn't good enough for him because he grabbed my feet off the ground and moved them so they were resting on his lap.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Making sure you're comfortable."

"Um, I was fine before." I tell him trying to sound annoyed but instead I end up smiling.

He smiles back at me, "this may be a long talk, Laur. Just lay back and relax."

I do as he says, "so you said Betsy came up with some 'rules' for us to follow, right?"

He nods,"yeah, they're pretty basic. She told me that she thinks we'll already have all the affection part covered. Like holding hands and kissing. We've had plenty of practice with that." He winks at me after that last sentence making me roll my eyes at him.

"Yeah, yeah. Now what rules does Betsy have for us?"

He pulls his phone out of his pocket and starts scrolling through what looks like text messages.

"Rule number 1," he begins, "no telling anyone that we're not really dating."

"Anyone," I question, "I can't even tell my parents?"

He shakes his head at me, "you can't tell anyone, Laura."

"Okay." I agree quietly. I don't want to lie to my parents. They love Ross. If they ever found out that we weren't actually dating they would not be happy with me or Ross for lying to them.

Ross continues with the list of rules, "rule number 2, no hanging out with anyone that could be a possible love interest."

I almost laugh at that one. They don't need to worry about that with me. There isn't anyone that I have my eye on.

"Rule number 3, no falling in love with each other," he looks over at me and winks. Again. "It may be a bit too late for that one. I'm pretty sure you've fallen so deep in love with me we'll never be able to pull you back."

"Oh my goodness, Ross. You're ridiculous."

He just chuckles.

"Are those all the rules?" I question after a few moments of silence.

"Yeah, that's all she sent. I thought there was more but apparently not."

"Oh. Okay." Those seem like pretty simple rules to follow. This won't be hard at all. Except for the not telling anyone part. That's where I'll struggle.

"Hey Ross?" I suddenly speak up, surprising myself.


"Do you think we'll be able to pull this off?" I ask.

He looks at me and smiles.

"This is gonna be a piece of cake, Laur."

Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this chapter. I know that as of right now there's like maybe 2 people reading this book but it's only been a day so I'm gonna say 'Hey guys' anyways! 😂

The 3/4 Austin & Ally reunion almost killed my heart. Just letting you know. I almost died with those pictures. It's too bad that Raini wasn't there but we had Raura so it's all good.

Chapter 4 is coming soon.

Published: May 7, 2017

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