Chapter 10: The Concern

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I added 'Red Velvet' for this chapter.
I'm laying on something. It feels like someone's lap. I also feel someone stroking my hair softly. Where am I?

I slowly raise up my head and the hand in my hair stops moving. I look up to see I am, in fact, laying on someone's lap. Who was I laying on?

Ross' face comes into view when I tilt my head back and I'm instantly relieved, glad I wasn't with some stranger. I lay my head back down on his lap and close my eyes, taking in deep breaths, just relaxing. Why am I laying on Ross' lap anyways? The last thing I remember was being at the interview when Ross told everyone that we were 'dating'.

"Hey Laur," Ross suddenly says. "Did you sleep okay? You had quite an afternoon."

I did?

"Yeah I slept fine." I tell him, opening my eyes again. I let a moment pass before asking, "What happened?"

He sighs and he begins playing with my hair again. "You had a panic attack, babe." He says quietly.

"Really?" I question. "I don't remember that."

"Good." He replies, leaning down and kissing my temple, "You never need to relive that ever again."

I want to ask why I had a panic attack but he doesn't seem to want to talk about it so I don't ask anything else. Instead I decide to look at my surroundings and find out where we were. We were on a couch somewhere. It looks like a dressing room. Are we still at the interview set?

All of a sudden, the door opens and Riker sticks his head in the doorway. When he sees I'm awake he opens the door all the way and steps inside.

"Hey Ross. Hey Laura." He says as he walks closer to us. "How are you doing Laura?" He asks.

"I'm fine." I respond, honestly. I'm perfectly fine just laying here on Ross' lap. I'm very comfortable.

"That's good." He replies. "You had quite an afternoon."

Why does everyone keep saying that? Was the panic attack really that bad?

"I don't remember what happened but Ross said I had a panic attack." I tell Riker.

He nods his head at me, "Yeah. It wasn't fun for any of us. You had Ross worried sick."

Awww. Ross is so cute!

I reach my hand up to grab his arm that has made its way around my waist. I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers. He squeezes my hand in return.

Ross and Riker chat for a while after that. I zone them out and focus on Ross' other hand stroking my hair. It makes me sleepy and eventually I close my eyes and let myself drift off.


When I wake up again, I'm being carried.

I look up to see Ross carrying me bridal style. He looks down at me and gives me a small smile.

"Go back to sleep, Laur. We're just going home." He tells me softly.

Home? Does that mean that he's going to take me to my house or that we're going to his house? Honestly, I don't want to go back to my house. My sister, Vanessa, went to New York for some promotion stuff and my parents decided to go with her this time and left me home alone this week.

"Hey Ross? Can I stay at your house tonight?" I ask him. I don't want to be home alone.

He smiles down at me. "Of course."

We make it to the car and he puts me down on the seat before climbing in after me. I sit next to him and rest my head on his shoulder. I just want to go back to sleep. Why am I so tired today?

Ross buckles my seat belt for me and rests his head on top of mine. Before I know it, everyone else has loaded up in the vehicle and we're on our way to the R5 house.

Later that night, Rydel and I make dinner for the boys. We made them lasagna with green beans and we toasted some rolls as well. They all loved it.

Later that night we all watch movies. We've watched so many movies I can't even count them all. Right now we're watching, what Ryland calls, a 'Throwback Lynch movie'. We're watching 'Teen Beach Movie'. I haven't seen this in so long and I'm really enjoying it. I forgot how funny it is.

Nobody has told me what exactly happened earlier this afternoon. All they will tell me is that I had a panic attack. They won't tell me why. Rocky tried to tell me but Ross gave him a stern look and he immediately shut up. Was what happened really that bad? It must have been because I've never had a panic attack before.

When we finish watching movies hours later it's about 1 in the morning and everyone, including myself, is exhausted. We all head to bed, most of us already half asleep.

I sleep with Ross in his bed, like always.

He lays down on his bed first and grabs my hand, pulling me down next to him. I lay my head on his chest and he wraps  his arms around me, one behind my back and one around my waist. I place one hand on his chest and almost immediately I feel myself slipping into dreamland. Before I'm completely out of it though, I feel Ross kiss the top of my head.

"Night, Laur." He whispers.

"Goodnight, Ross."

Heyy guys!

Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I was really busy and I didn't have anytime to update. I barely had anytime today too! It's been a busy weekend for me.

Happy Mother's Day!! I hope everyone celebrated wonderfully!

Give me your feedback!

Chapter 11 coming soon! 💕

Published: May 14, 2017

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