Chapter 19: The Argument

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This isn't right.

I shouldn't feel lonely.

Is it normal to feel lonely when your fake boyfriend isn't around?

Nope. It's not normal. There must be something wrong with me.

Ross has band rehearsal today so I left his house about 2 hours ago. But, for some reason, I feel extremely lonely without him today.

It's not only loneliness that I'm feeling, however. There's also boredom. I'm lonely and bored.

So, even though Ross and I went to the mall yesterday, I got so bored in 2 short hours that I have decided to come here again. I'm not buying anything so, I'm just walking around.

I feel my phone vibrate from the back pocket of my jeans and I pull it out to see that Ross texted me.

Looks like I'm not the only one feeling lonely

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Looks like I'm not the only one feeling lonely. I smile before replying.

I'm so engrossed with texting that I accidentally collide with another person as I'm walking

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I'm so engrossed with texting that I accidentally collide with another person as I'm walking.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" I exclaim, bending down to help the person pick up their bags.

"No, you're fine! It was just an accident." I hear a female voice reply. A familiar female voice.

I look up and my mouth almost drops open in shock.


She looks up at me and I see the recognition flash in her eyes, "Laura! Oh my gosh, hi!"

This is not who I was expecting to see today. Actually I wasn't expecting to see her anytime soon. I thought she was busy filming a movie.

"What brings you to the mall?" She politely asks me with a bright smile.

"Oh I'm just walking around. I got bored. What about you?" I ask in reply.

She holds up her shopping bags, "Just out on a shopping spree. I got a day off from the movie that I'm currently filming."

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