Chapter 13: The Escape Attempt

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My favorite, 'Need You Tonight' cover for this chapter!
All that I can hear right now are screams.

Millions of screams. They're everywhere.

The concert has ended. The meet and greet is finished and now we're all leaving the arena.

Maybe I should say attempting to leave. The fans surrounding us are preventing the leaving process.

The security guards are trying their best to get us through the crowd safely but there's too many fans. It's because I'm here. I know it is. Every fan wants to get an up close view of Ross and I. They're probably trying to see a 'Raura moment' in person.

Raini and Calum got out earlier during the meet and greet but Ross wanted me to stay with him.

I guess he forgot about the thousands of fans outside. Thousands of violent fans. I've already seen several chunks of hair being yanked off of scalps, fingernail scratches, and even quite a few bloody noses since stepping outside about 3 minutes ago.

Ross' fingers are intertwined with mine and have been practically since he got off stage. I don't know how he managed to greet all his fans, hug them, and sign things for them while holding my hand. Let's just say I'm in almost every single picture taken with fans. Luckily, most of them were absolutely thrilled to meet me as well as the band.

Now we're literally just standing here outside the doors of the arena while the security guards try to clear a path for us. All the screams start to be a little overwhelming so I grab Ross' arm with my hand that's not intertwined with his. He squeezes my hand in return.

I've been around screaming fans before. My fans get very excited to see me as well. But I'm not as famous as Ross is. I'm not used to this many fans all screaming at me at once. This overwhelming moment feels slightly familiar to me but I'm not sure why.

All of a sudden Ross' lips are pressed against my ear.

"Don't freak out. This happens all the time. You'll be fine." He tells me. How did he know I was feeling this way?

I nod at him and he presses a kiss to my temple causing the fans to scream louder. This causes me to wince which apparently makes Ross begin to freak out.

He turns his head to the right, where Riker is standing and tells him something, a worried expression on his face. I can't hear what he said though because of the noise.

Riker looks at me quickly before turning back to Ross and nodding. Riker then turns to Rocky and tells him something. Rocky then turns to Rydel, who turns to Ellington. They all get worried and slightly frightened expressions before looking at me. Why are they all looking at me like that?

Suddenly, I'm being pulled backwards by the hand. Ross pulls me back through the doors into the arena, followed by the rest of the band. Ross pulls me all the way back to the dressing rooms and enters the one that was issued to him and Rocky for the show. He closes the door behind him.

"Ross, what are you doing?" I finally ask. Even all the way in here, the screams can still faintly be heard.

He pulls me over to the couch and sits down, pulling me down with him. He pulls me down on to his lap and wraps both arms around me before laying his head on my shoulder.

"Ross?" I question again. What is he doing?


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