Epilogue: The Happily Ever After

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~ Five Years Later ~
The day I found out I got the role of 'Ally' in 'Austin & Ally', I never could have imagined that one day I would be such great friends with my cast members. I never dreamed that I would one day date one of my co-stars.

Or that I would fall in love with him.

Or that I would marry him.

A year after Ross proposed to me, we got married. While planning our wedding, I made the joke that we should get married on the old 'Austin & Ally' set. Ross took that joke literally and he convinced me that we should actually marry there.

So we did. Our wedding was held the next summer on the set of the 'A&A Music Factory'.

We invited as many people as we could manage to fit into the place so they could all witness the infamous 'Raura' wedding they had all been waiting for. Needless to say, our wedding wasn't small. A few special fans were even invited to attend the ceremony.

After all the "I do's" were spoken and the big day came to a close, Ross and I moved into our first house together. It was small but just big enough for the two of us.

However, a year later we upgraded to a larger house because we had recently discovered that I was pregnant. Ross and I were thrilled about the news and our families were probably more excited than we were. My mom and Ross' mom  were especially ecstatic since they were going to become grandmas.

A few months into the pregnancy we found out the gender of our baby. Rydel, Raini, Riker's wife Savannah, and Courtney planned the gender reveal party. Courtney and I actually became really great friends after Ross and I got engaged. She was even one of the bridesmaids at our wedding.

My whole pregnancy went by in a blur. It happened so quickly and before we knew it, Ross and I welcomed our little girl into the world.

Our daughter is now two years old and she is growing and changing so much everyday. She is so adorable and has the sweetest personality. I hope that doesn't change as she gets older; we need more people like her in the world.

I love her more than I ever thought was possible and Ross adores her. He spoils her anytime he gets the chance and she is obviously a daddy's girl.

Our family and friends all adore her as well. She is the first grandchild/niece in the family so she definitely gets plenty of endless attention. I always tell her how lucky she is to have such a large and happy family who love her dearly since there are many children who aren't as fortunate.

All of these past moments flash through my mind as I look down at the pregnancy stick in my hand, waiting for the result. I've been feeling really sick and not like myself lately and I have a feeling that I know exactly what the result will be. I smile at the thought.


I hear Ross come in the house and greet our daughter who has been in the living room playing with her toys for the past half hour.

I walk out of the kitchen and into the room they're in. Ross walks up to me and bends down slightly to give me a kiss. "Hello, beautiful" he says with a smile.

"Hi." I reply back with a smile to match his.

Before he can say anything else, our daughter drops her toys and comes running up to Ross and I.

"Daddy, daddy, guess what mommy told me?" She exclaims.

Ross squats down to meet her at eye level. "What did she tell you, princess?"

She cups her small hands around her mouth and leans over towards his right ear, "I'm gonna be a big sister." She whispers, quite loudly.

Ross immediately pulls away from her, quickly stands up, and turns to face me, "You're pregnant?" He asks with a smile quickly forming on his face with excitement.

I nod, excitedly, with a smile I'm sure mirrored his.

He quickly grabs my face with both hands and kisses me.

In this moment all the memories Ross and I have together flood through my mind and I realize just how lucky and pleased I am to have this life with him, our daughter, and now our unborn baby.

It's amazing how our whole romantic relationship began with an agreement to fake date. But I don't regret making that agreement at all. I wouldn't trade this life for the world.


And that's a wrap on 'The Agreement'!!

Thank you so much to everyone who has read this story and supported me through my long (almost 2 year) journey with this story.

In all honesty, I'm glad it's over and I'm happy with how it ended.

I may still go back and edit some of the grammar errors I recently found as I was rereading some of the chapters. (I also realized that a lot of this story does NOT make any sense). 😂 But that's okay.

I apologize for all extremely long periods of time in between my uploaded during the past year or so of this story. I really have no excuse other than laziness and lack of ideas.

Also, a few days ago I noticed that this story was #1 in the Ross Lynch category out of 540 stories!! That's amazing especially considering I haven't updated since October!! Thank you so much!!

Also, a few days ago I noticed that this story was #1 in the Ross Lynch category out of 540 stories!! That's amazing especially considering I haven't updated since October!! Thank you so much!!

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Thank you for all the support on this story. As of today, when I officially end this story, 'The Agreement' has an impressive amount of views, votes, and comments.

Today, January 4, 2019:
• 3.06K votes

I'm excited to see if this story grows anymore in the future.

I'm so appreciative of every reader, thank you again. 💕💜💙

Published: January 4, 2019

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