Chapter 6: The Invite

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After I finished recording all the songs I needed to for the day and Ross did about 5 more things that I didn't specifically tell him not to do, just to tick me off, we left the studio.

Although I wasn't actually mad at him, I decided to act like I was mad at Ross just to see what he would do.

He was pulling out of the parking lot when he looked over and saw I had my arms crossed and my eyebrows furrowed.

"Aw come on Laur," he started before looking back at the road, "all I did was follow the list like you said. You never said that I couldn't go through your purse."

"I also never said you could chew all of my gum from said purse all at once, sing along to the songs loud enough that the whole building could hear you, in weird voices, or have Dave make me sound like a chipmunk." I reply. That's only a few things he did too. I didn't mention the throwing of the food. At me.

"Hey, I didn't touch the buttons! Dave did!" He defended himself. "That was on the list and I listened. I didn't do anything that was on the list just like you told me not to."

This was a bit more amusing than I thought. I was sure that he would just give me a fake apology but it's like he's thought out perfect excuses to defend himself.

"Are you actually mad?" He asks, his voice getting a bit softer.

I decided to tell the poor guy the truth, "No. I was just acting."

He suddenly smirks. Uh oh. "I knew you were lying. I know when you're lying. I was just waiting for you to crack."

Dang it.

"So what are you going to do now?" He asks me. I hadn't really thought about it. Dave let me out about an hour earlier today just because Ross was there and he apparently loves Ross. I should bring Ross to the studio everyday. It would make my life easier. I could get out of there early everyday.

"I don't know. I hadn't thought about it." I reply a couple seconds later.

"Well my mom said that you're invited over for dinner tonight if you're not busy. We're having a big family dinner tonight. You in?"

I smile. I love his family. They're always so much fun to be around.

"Of course! Your family is the best!"

He smiles back at me before speaking again, "Do you want me to drop you back off at your house so you can change? I think you look fine but I know you feel the need to change for some reason."

"Yeah," I reply, "I can't wear this!" He knows me too well. Sometimes it's a little bit creepy how well he knows me.

He replies with a simple "okay" and an eye roll before driving in the direction of my house. A peaceful silence falls over us. Well, it was silent until Ross started humming.

"Did I tell you how excited I am for your new EP?" I ask out of the blue.

"No. I'm glad. We're really proud of it." He says a smile appearing on his face as he keeps his eyes on the road.

"I've listened to the previews and they sound so good!" I exclaim getting a little excited. I loved the previews. They are so talented and they put so much passion into their music. I love it.

"Later, I'll show you the whole EP." He says.

"Really? Yay!" I exclaim. I get to hear the whole EP early! I remember when he used to let the cast listen to his songs before they came out when we were filming Austin & Ally.

He must be thinking about that too because he says, "I miss those days." I don't think he actually meant to say it out loud but I reply anyways.

"Me too." 

"We need to get together with the cast again." He says. "As soon as possible. I mean you're pretty great Laur, but I miss all of us hanging out together."

"Yes! That would be so much fun! I miss Raini and Calum so much!" I exclaim. I wonder when we could all get together. Then it hits me. I almost forgot.

We're all still planning to surprise Ross at his L.A. concert next week. He has no idea.

The only thing I say though is, "We'll have to get together with them soon."

"Yeah." He replies. He then pulls into my driveway. We both get out of the car.

"What time do we need to leave?" I ask him so I can calculate how much time I have to get ready.

"We have to be there in an hour so we need to leave in 45 minutes." He replies looking at his phone. To check the time I suppose.

"Okay. Don't break anything you don't wanna pay for. I'll be down soon." I tell him.

I said soon but I actually meant I'll take the whole 45 minutes. He'll just have to deal with it.

Hey guys!
Sorry that this chapter is quite a bit shorter than the others but it's kinda just a filler so I can make the dinner one big chapter.

I might update it tonight since I don't have any homework but don't quote me on that. I might only write about half of it and publish it tomorrow instead.

Give me your feedback! I love reading it and I literally get the sweetest comments from the sweetest people. They make my day! 😘

Chapter 7 coming soon! 💕

Published: May 10, 2017

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