Chapter 14: The Hunger

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"I'm hungry."

"Then eat."

"I don't have any food."

"There's food in the kitchen, Ross."

"I don't wanna go in there only to come out empty handed."

"Then I guess you're not eating."


"You're making me want to slap you."

"Please don't. I'm just a poor hungry boy."

"Ross, I'm not getting you food."

"Then let's go somewhere."

"There's literally food in the next room and you want to go somewhere?"


"Ross, you're ridiculous." I roll my eyes at him.

"Please? I'm hungry!" He complains, laying his head on my shoulder in fake exhaustion.

"Ugh. Fine. Let's go." I give in, pushing him off and standing up.

He follows my lead and walks over to the door. He grabs his car keys and we walk out the door and head to his car.

Once we're in the car and Ross backs out of the driveway, he says words that make me want to slap him even more than I did before.

"So where are we going?"

"Seriously? You choose. You're the one that's dying of starvation." I tell him in an annoyed tone.

"But what if what I want isn't what you want?" He questions.

"Just go wherever you want. I'm not even hungry so it doesn't matter to me." I say.

He drives around for a bit, complaining that he doesn't know where to go and actually drives around in complete circles for a few minutes making some other drivers behind us very angry.

"Ross, just go somewhere already!" I yell in frustration.

So he continues to drive down the road without saying a word and a few minutes later he stops at the first restaurant he saw. It turns out to be a small diner. They're advertising their 'famous' pies on the outside of the building. That's probably the only reason Ross stopped. He loves pie probably more than he loves his family.

There's quite a lot people here even at 4 in the afternoon so this place must be really good.

Before I can get out of the car, Ross places his hand on my arm, stopping me from opening the door.

"Are you ready to put on a show?" He asks me.

Oh yeah. I almost forgot that to the world we're 'dating'.

I nod at him. "Let's do this, boyfriend."

He smiles at me before he jumps out of the car and before I can react, he races over to my door and opens it for me.

"Thanks, babe." I say with smile. There's a few people outside the diner. Most of them are watching us because they probably recognize us.

He smiles a full smile at me before grabbing my hand and intertwining his fingers with mine. He pulls me to the entrance of the diner and holds the door open for me, letting me go in first.

Still holding my hand, he files in behind me and we're greeted by a hostess. She seats us at a booth in the corner of the small place and I sit across from Ross, letting go of his hand. When the hostess hands us our menus and walks off, I begin to look around the place.

It's really adorable. I love it here already. There's pictures of old time famous singers like Elvis Presley hanging on the walls and I can hear 'oldies' music playing faintly in the background.

I look at Ross before speaking, "Have you been here before?"

He looks up from his menu and shakes his head at me before replying. "Nope. But at first glance of this place I knew that you'd love it."

I smile at him before finally looking at my menu. I even love the menu. It has cute little cartoon pictures to go along with the food items and it's typed out in cute fancy font and has a cute design to it. They even serve breakfast all day here. I bet Ross will be a big fan of that.

My assumptions are correct when I hear him say, "Yes! I've been craving pancakes all week!"

I slightly laugh at that. His whole face has lit up like a Christmas tree.

"I thought you wanted a hamburger?" I question. The whole way here he was complaining about how hungry he was and how he was craving a hamburger.

"That was before I saw the pancakes, Laura. You of all people should know that I'd choose pancakes over hamburgers." He tells me matter-of-factly.

"You're so much like Austin it's not even funny." I say, smiling at him.

"You're so much like Ally too." He tells me before smirking, "and we all know that Austin Moon and Ally Dawson can go farther than the moon together. It's fate, Laura. This is the world's way of telling us that we're meant to be together."

I roll my eyes playfully before responding. "Well technically we are together, Ross."

"Exactly. Fate is working it's magic as we speak." He tells me.

Then our waitress comes to the table. She smiles brightly at Ross. Please don't tell me that this is one of those cliché book moments where the waitress has a thing for the boy and the girl has to become the jealous girlfriend to scare her off.

My fears are eased when she turns and gives me the same bright smile. Good, she's not after Ross.

She asks us what we want to drink and what we want to eat. Ross and I both get sweet tea and the plate of pancakes.

"I thought you weren't hungry." Ross smirks at me, raising his eyebrows.

"I wasn't until I listened to you talk about food the whole way here." I reply.

He chuckles and shakes his head.

"Oh by the way, you're paying for me." I tell him, giving him an innocent smile.

He rolls his eyes at me before replying.


Heyy guys!

This is later into the day than I expected to upload but technically where I am, there's still 7 minutes until midnight. 😂

I hope you enjoy this chapter! Give me your feedback!

Chapter 15 coming soon! 💕

Published: May 23, 2017

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