Chapter 25: The Look

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First off, thank you again rauraomfg for the beautiful new cover! It's amazing! 💕💕

After Ross and Courtney 'broke up' and I found out about them fake dating, I never really thought I would ever see Courtney again. That's not including special events or coincidental run-ins like that day at the mall.

The thought of not ever speaking to her again makes me feel a bit sad. She is such a wonderful person and she was such a good friend.

It always confused me why she liked me so much. I thought she would hate me because of all the hate she would get from the Raura fans. Now I know that it didn't bother her because she wasn't actually dating Ross. It saddens me that we probably won't ever see each other again as friends like before, but just as acquaintances.

All those thoughts of never seeing her again quickly fade when my phone starts ringing and the caller I.D. reads 'Courtney Eaton'.

At first I'm confused as to why she's calling me. Did she call me on purpose? Was it an accident?

I know it's not a mistake when I finally press accept and silence the musical tune my phone makes when it rings.

"Hello?" I answer hesitantly.

"Hi Laura," Courtney's chirpy voice comes through the speaker, "How are you?"

So, it wasn't an accidental call. She meant to call me. Is this a prank call? Why would she call me?

I respond with a pep in my voice despite my thoughts, "I'm good, Courtney. How are you?"

"I'm great," she replies back quickly, "Are you busy today?"

Well, that was very straight-forward.

"Um, no. I'm not busy, why?" I ask.

"I was thinking that maybe we could hang out. Just you and me. We haven't hung out in like, forever." She replies.

It looks like I will be seeing Courtney again outside of special events and coincidental run-ins.

"Yeah, sure. What do you have in mind?" I question her, curiously.


Courtney and I met at a small café that was only a ten minute drive from my house.

She greeted me with a big hug and a huge smile which I gladly returned.

We both ordered some tea and a muffin, I got a chocolate one and she got a blueberry one.

We sat down at a small table with two chairs right next to the large window in silence. The café was pretty empty because it was the middle of the afternoon. I watched as people walked by on the sidewalk outside as I ate my muffin.

After a few minutes of eating our muffins in silence, Courtney spoke up.

"Hey, Ross told me that he told you about me and him fake dating. I'm sorry you had to find out that way." She says in her Australian accent.

When did she talk to Ross?

"Oh, it's okay. It really surprised me but I wasn't mad or anything." I tell her honestly.

I have to be careful what I say because I don't think that she knows about Ross and I fake dating as well. I'm pretty sure Vanessa is the only other person who knows.

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