Chapter 29: The Date

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Thank you to TheRauraParadise for the beautiful new cover designs!
"Are you serious? I can't believe you just said that." I yell, waving my hands around animatedly as the words fly out of my mouth.

"It's true isn't it? I was right, wasn't I?" He shouts back with a murderous look in his eyes.

I feel tears begin to form in my eyes and I look down to try and keep him from noticing, "This is unbelievable. You're unbelievable."

He scoffs, "Me? You're the one who is in love with another man while you're supposedly dating me."


~4 Months Earlier~

"Vanessa, do you know where my black heels are?" I ask as I walk down the stairs barefooted.

"No. I haven't seen them since you stepped in a mud puddle wearing them and claimed that they couldn't ever be cleaned. Then you threw them away." Vanessa answers without looking up from her phone.

I groan, "Oh yeah, I forgot about that!"

Vanessa shrugs, "Just wear one of your other million pairs of high heels."

"I can't just wear any other pair, Vanessa! This is my first official date with Ross! I have to look perfect!" I exclaim.

She finally looks up from her phone and gives me a look, "I'm pretty sure Ross thinks you look perfect in sweatpants."

I roll my eyes and turn around to go back up the stairs, "I'm done talking to you about this."

I walk back to my room and I practically collapse onto my bed. Now what shoes am I supposed to wear?

I could always steal some of Vanessa's shoes.

So, that's exactly what I do. I sneak into Vanessa's room hoping that she won't decide to come upstairs and I steal a pair of silver heels from her closet to match my black dress. I'm really hoping she won't recognize them when I leave later.

I add some accessories to go with my outfit and then I check the time on my phone

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I add some accessories to go with my outfit and then I check the time on my phone. I have a few minutes until Ross is supposed to pick me up.

I'm doing some last minute makeup touches when I hear the doorbell ring.

"Laura, do you want me to answer the door for you?" Vanessa shouts from downstairs. I open my mouth to respond when she interrupts me with another shout, "I'll get it anyways."

Rolling my eyes, I grab my small purse from the door handle where I hung it and head downstairs.

When I reach the living room, I immediately notice how good Ross looks. He's wearing a white dress shirt with a black jacket over it and some jeans.

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