Chapter 12: The Surprise

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'Trading Time' for this chapter.
"Are you guys ready?" Mark asks Raini, Calum and I. We all nod.

Last minute we decided to get Mark, Stormie, and Ryland involved with our plan. It got difficult planning just by ourselves.

The boys and Rydel are already out on stage and just started the show about 10 minutes ago. We had to wait until they went on stage to come backstage and set everything up. We were all hiding outside in Calum's car up until this point. Mark and Stormie were kind enough to set up the fog machines while we came in.

"Good. Okay, so Stormie is finishing setting up all the fog machines. In a few minutes we'll go turn them on. Once the fog on the stage becomes noticeable, we'll have Ryland turn off the stage lights. You three will walk out quietly and then Ryland will turn the lights back on." Mark tells us. Then he chuckles slightly. "I can't wait to see their faces. Especially Ross'."

This morning when I had to go to the 'photoshoot', Ross came over and he was begging me again to find some way to stay and come to his concert. I don't even know why he wants me there so bad. It's not like I've been to every show of his. I've only been to a few. Why does it matter so much that I won't be at this one?

I had to tell him that I couldn't make it again before he left in a disappointed mood. I thought he was upset with me but he kissed my cheek before he left, like always, so I know he's not mad.

"Sounds good." Calum replies to Mark.

Raini shoots him a thumbs-up and I smile widely at him. I really hope that this is going to be worth all the guilt and lying I've had to do lately. I hate lying and feeling guilty.

Stormie comes around the corner and walks over to us. "We're all set up." She tells us.

Mark nods, "Great, thanks. You know the plan don't you?" He asks Stormie.

"Yes," she responds, "You told me earlier."

Mark then looks down at his watch. "Alright, let's get this going. Are you three ready?" He asks again.

We all give him a thumbs-up.

Stormiest and Mark walk around the back of the stage, beginning to turn the fog machines on.

We all watch as the fog slowly fills the stage a few minutes later. It hits Rydel and Ellington first. Ellington shrugs it off but Rydel starts looking around, puzzled. Since we're standing backstage, she quickly looks up and sees us. We all put a single finger to our lips, telling her not to say anything. She smiles and winks at us before turning back to her keyboard and acting like she didn't see anything. Rydel's the best.

The fog hits Riker and Rocky next. They both look very confused. You can tell that the audience is starting to notice as well. Ross is the only one who hasn't noticed yet. He's so into his music. Any other time I would love that, but right now I really want him to see the fog so we can reveal ourselves already.

Finally, he starts to notice the ground becoming foggy when he looks down for a second. He abruptly stops singing and the band stops playing as they look around at the stage. That's when Mark signals Ryland to shut off the lights. Almost immediately the whole stage goes dark and the audience gasps. There's a few screams as well. That's our cue.

Stormie gives us a small push and then we're out on the stage. We line up in a row in the center of the stage, behind where Ross stands.

That's when the lights come back on. It's silent for a second, as everyone is getting used to the bright light again.

"SURPRISE!" Calum, Raini, and I scream.

Everyone's attention immediately goes to us. Ross spins around as fast as lightening. I'm not sure if it's because he's surprised or if it's because he recognized our voices.

His face is priceless. He's so happy yet so shocked at the same time, his face doesn't know how to react. His eyes are wide but he's smiling the biggest smile I've ever seen.

The audience goes insane, now realizing who we are.

Ross runs forward, grabbing all three of us into one of our famous group hugs.

Ross pulls back from the hug and looks at us. "You guys are here!" He says, his smile now taking over his whole face.

Raini laughs, "Yeah rockstar, we're here. Didn't you miss us?"

He just starts pulling us into individual hugs. He hugs me last, and the crowd goes crazy because we're now 'dating'.

Before he pulls away, he whispers something in my ear I probably won't ever forget.

"You lied to me but I love you for it. This is amazing. Thank you, Laur."

He kisses the side of my head as he pulls away, making the crowd go berserk.

He then motions for us three to come closer to the mic and he signals for the band to start playing. He wraps an arm around Raini's shoulder and the other around Calum's. Even though his hand is on Raini's shoulder he still motions me grab it. So I do.

Then he and the rest of the band sing the rest of the song they were singing before.

After they finish Calum, Raini, and I head backstage again to watch the rest of the show.

I don't think I've ever seen Ross this happy and energetic. I love it.

Heyy guys!

Sorry that this is so late. I have no excuse. I didn't have homework, I just didn't write on Wednesday and yesterday I fell asleep again halfway through the chapter at 11 pm.

I hope this chapter makes up for it though! I feel like this chapter has been very anticipated since the surprise was mentioned in the first chapter.

I'm on my way to school right now but I only have a day and a half left so I'm pretty excited.

Give me feedback! I love it!

Chapter 13 coming soon! 💕

Published: May 19, 2017

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