Chapter 20: The Return

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My phone is ringing again.

This is the fifth time Ross has called me in the last two hours. Why has he not figured out that I don't want to talk to him?

I've only been awake for two hours and he called 6 times before I even woke up!

He didn't even bother me last night. I fell asleep and didn't hear from him at all until 9 a.m. this morning when his seventh phone call woke me up.

It's not just calls. It's also texts. Hundreds and thousands of them.

Okay, that was exaggerating. But, there is a ton of messages. I haven't read a single one, either. Not one.

Am I overreacting about all of this? I mean, Ross and I never talked about his relationship with Courtney. I don't think she was ever very fond of me. Most likely because of all the Raura rumors. Courtney and I were nice to each but we were never about to become best friends or anything like that.

Wait. Am I mad that he was lying to me or lying to me about Courtney?

I have to be mad about him just lying to me in general. Courtney has nothing to do with this.


I was so deep in thought I almost didn't notice the sound of the front door opening.

"I'm back!" A female voice calls out.

All thoughts about my argument with Ross immediately vanish when I hear my sister's voice.

"Vanessa! You didn't tell me you were coming home today!" I shout as I practically run down the stairs to the living room, almost tripping on the way. I'm just too clumsy sometimes.

"I wanted to surprise you!" Vanessa responds when she sees me. She smiles and opens up her arms for a hug and I happily run into them.

"It's been so long since I last saw you. I think it's been almost a month! Where are mom and dad?" I quickly ramble off almost incoherently, smiling back at her.

Vanessa, being my older sister, immediately knows what I said. "They decided to stay in New York for an extra day or two by theirselves."

I'm about to respond when the loud sound of my ringtone goes off again.

Vanessa looks at me expectingly. "Are you going to get that?"

My mood instantly dampens again. "No. It's probably just Ross again."

She furrows her eyebrows at me, "Are you two having problems? You haven't even been together for that long. It's only been a few weeks."

I had called Vanessa and my parents shortly after Ross and I started our fake dating agreement and told them that Ross and I were 'dating'. They, of course, think that we're in a real relationship.

Wait, what does this mean about our agreement? I'm not even speaking to Ross right now. I'm not about to pretend to date him. Does this mean that our fake relationship is over?

"We had a fight yesterday. He won't stop calling and texting me but I haven't responded." I tell Vanessa, frowning as I think about the moment I told Ross to get out yesterday.

"What did you fight about?" She asks, walking over to the couch. She sits down and pats the space next to her to motion me to sit down with her.

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